Daily Archive: August 26, 2011

A kinder, gentler Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dave Weigel uses some fascinating newly re-released Gallup data to remind us that, once upon a time, MLK was about as well-liked by white people as Farrakhan: Why was King so unpopular in 1966?...

Friday Jukebox Blues

Okay I did one a few weeks ago. If nobody objects though here’s a really cool blues song. The original, by Geeshie Wiley is one of the most haunting songs you’ll ever hear. Those...

Sexism in Fantasy

Spoilers for the first three books of A Song of Ice and Fire below. A few noted, minor spoilers for the last two. Sady Doyle apparently wants female characters in George R. R. Martin’s...

The Constitution is Old

~by E.C. Gach Since S&P downgraded the U.S., Fareed Zakaria has been reminding people that currently, “no country with a presidential system has a triple-A rating from all three major ratings agencies.” The downgrade...

Atheist Fight

New Atheist Sam Harris has been arguing that we need government to do extensive redistribution of wealth, with the ultimate aim of reforming human nature. Government should “steer us collectively toward the best civilization...