Monthly Archive: June 2011

Labour and the American Middle Class

I’ve been pondering Erik’s post on the difference between pity-charity liberalism and bottom-up liberalism, and I think he’s hit upon a key distinction between traditional liberals and liberaltarianism, and it’s a difference that will...

Feeling for the Fictional

Brandon Watson and Kyle Cupp both explore possible solutions to the “paradox of fiction”: We human beings read, watch, and listen to a lot of fiction. We know that it is fiction. But we...

Our Poisoned Language

Commenter Barry got me to thinking — We’ve all heard that the Constitution is not a suicide pact. It’s strange to me, however, that this phrase when used in political debate actually means precisely...

Cyrenaica Conflict Causes Constitutional Crisis

The Speaker of the House yesterday sent a ‘warning letter’ to the President concerning the United States’ participation in NATO’s ongoing military adventure in Libya. The political fight now is about the War Powers...

Loving At 44

Forty-four years ago today*, the U.S. Supreme Court announced its decision in the famous case of Loving v. Virginia (1967) 388 U.S. 1. At the time, sixteen states outlawed interracial marriages. But on June...

The Perils of Writing about Greatness

I’ve wanted to respond to this Yglesias post on Ron Chernow’s Washington: A Life for some time now, but not until I finished the (audio)book.  He wrote: Ron Chernow’s Washington: A Life is a...

How the World Works?

Like that post on Haiti, I often put things in Off the Cuff just to ask, “Hey, what do y’all make of this?” So, in that vein, what do y’all make of this Vancouver...

Insufficient evidence

A friend brought this opinion piece in the New York Times to my attention yesterday.  Dr. Karen Sibert, a stridently proud full-time anesthesiologist, argues that women who choose to work as part-time physicians are...

No Sex Please, You Live In A Dorm

Seriously? The President of Catholic University thinks that going back to single-sex dorms is going to cut down on the number of undergraduates having sex, and therefore improve academic performance. (Via.) A few thoughts...

Post-GOP debate open thread

Some random thoughts: * Michele Bachmann was woefully under-used. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I was hoping — nay, praying — that tonight would be the taking-off point for Bachmentum 2012. No...

Sub-Blogs, Cross-posting, and format stuff

So there has been a good discussion of the purpose of sub-blogs, the frequency which sub-bloggers should cross-post, etc. in the last thread. I think sub-bloggers should use their good judgment, cross-posting their more...