Game of Thrones Bookclub: Portents of Things to Come

Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.

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10 Responses

  1. Will says:

    I hereby promise to get off my ass and write something about this series in the near future. I’m putting this in writing so I don’t renege.Report

  2. E.D. Kain says:

    Apparently y’all slacked off this week on your reading. Sheesh.Report

  3. ktward says:

    When Martin published GoT (1995ish?), I was in the thick of nearly two decades of full-on mommy mode, so I’ve forgiven myself that his epic went unnoticed by me until, recently, I became an HBO subscriber. (It reReport

  4. Plinko says:

    I admit, I just keep waiting for other people to say interesting things.

    I remember reading the chapters a few months ago but not well enough to start the discussion.Report

  5. ktward says:

    When Martin published GoT (1995ish?), I was in the thick of nearly two decades of full-on mommy mode. So, I might be forgiven that this fantasy epic went unnoticed–even by this Tolkien fiend–until I recently became an HBO subscriber. (My youngest went off to college and–kewl!–I rediscovered the handheld control device that operates the rectangular electronic thingamajig with all the neato stuff that mysteriously makes me want to eat popcorn.)

    Anyhoo. I’m now old and easily confused and thinking that as much as I’m dying to start reading Martin’s Ice and Fire series–and I sooo am–I had best wait until this first HBO season is done.

    When I’m on a mission, I can chew up a book in no time: I scarfed Brown’s Da Vinci Code in 20 consecutive hours with nothing but bathroom & sandwich breaks. That said, I figure I can reasonably thrown down Martin’s first two books in the season break. I share my strategy, here, with one particular goal in mind: to eventually engage in the League’s GoT Bookclub threads.

    Sure, the League’s on my google feed because I’m a pathetic political/intellectual junkie. But I wanna play, too.Report

  6. ktward says:

    Huh? Evidently I hit “Submit” unconsciously. I’m even more feeble-minded than I thought.Report

  7. Sky says:

    I think we’re starting to see the biggest difference here between Book-Dany and HBO-Dany. Book-Dany is genuinely surprised when folks around her, from Viserys to the Dothraki, don’t behave according to notions of propriety and decency, whereas HBO-Dany seems to expect misconduct of everyone and just stoically observes it.

    We’re also starting to get to the point where everything Ned does makes me bash my head against the wall.Report