One more blog, for good measure

Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.

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44 Responses

  1. Trumwill says:

    What are the posting expectations for an ancillary TLOOG blog?Report

    • E.D. Kain in reply to Trumwill says:

      None really that are terribly specific. What did you have in mind?Report

      • Trumwill in reply to E.D. Kain says:

        Sorry, I was impossibly vague. I was referring to expectations of posting *frequency*.Report

        • E.D. Kain in reply to Trumwill says:

          Regular but not necessarily daily.Report

          • Robert Cheeks in reply to E.D. Kain says:

            E.D., why don’t you guys do a blog on movies, where both old and new flicks can be reviewed and discussed?Report

            • Jaybird in reply to Robert Cheeks says:

              There’s room for a co-blogger at “Mindless Diversions”…Report

              • Pat Cahalan in reply to Jaybird says:

                If Bob will commence posting movie posts at MD, I’ll co-join as co-co-blogger.Report

              • Rufus F. in reply to Pat Cahalan says:

                So it’s going to be Jay and Not-Silent Bob now?Report

              • Robert Cheeks in reply to Rufus F. says:

                Pat, while I haven’t ‘googled’ Mr. Bird’s website suggestion, my opinion is that he is engaging in snark. Implying, perhaps, that the idea of a critique of the art of cinema is for the French or something like that.
                Rufus, hep me here. I’m totally lost as to your reference?
                Re: movies, the wife and I watched “Never Let me go” and it was one of the most horrific pics I’ve ever seen. Any of yous guys seen it?Report

              • Rufus F. in reply to Robert Cheeks says:

                “Mindless Diversions” is Jay’s blog here. I was just referencing two characters in a series of comedies that you’re probably not missing much if you haven’t seen them.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Robert Cheeks says:


                Dude! It’s a blog! On this very site!

                It’s devoted to stuff like video games, comic books, tabletop gaming, music, and other “mindless diversions”.

                The only real rule is “no politics, no religion, no philosophy”. I am also doing what I can to avoid negativity. I mean, sure, Ebert’s most fun reviews to read are the ones where he spends three paragraphs talking about how awful something was… but I take the attitude that there is so much out there that is kinda cool and we should focus on the stuff that is cool.

                Anyway, I have always felt like the blog is one that could use someone to talk about stuff that I know nothing about… sports, for instance.

                Someone who knows all about gems that other folks have missed would be an awesome addition, if’n you ask me.

                I do want to avoid religion, politics, and philosophy, though. As much as we can, anyway.Report

              • Robert Cheeks in reply to Robert Cheeks says:

                Thanks Rufus.
                JB, “oops, aw shite!” I should check this site out. But that damned landline makes stuff take like forever and I never get much beyond the ‘comments’ and the blog. The stuff on the rights side is a mystery.
                Thanks for the link.
                HOw, pray tell does one avoid religion, philosophy, politics when critiquing a decent/or indecent movie?Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Robert Cheeks says:

                Aesthetics is something that you cannot avoid, of course, in any discussion of what makes something good.

                My starting point is that these are matters of taste.

                As such, I can tell folks that something is probably worth their time or that something is probably not… but never that they have a responsibility to watch or avoid a particular thing. These things are diversions, after all. Once they become a responsibility, they cease to do the things they were created to do.Report

    • Burt Likko in reply to Trumwill says:

      If he is of a mind to contribute, Trumwill would be a wonderful addition. Dude can write.Report

    • Barry in reply to Trumwill says:

      Wittiness that makes Oscar Wilde weep in heaven.Report

  2. I’m curious: How does cross-posting work? Is it up to the author of the Ordinary sub-blog to decide if it’s cross-posted, or do the other authors decide whether it will be cross-posted?Report

  3. Baron von Munchausen says:

    Mr. E.D. Kain, would this have a “come what may”, anarchy, anything goes kind of atmosphere or would a number of bouncers be on the premisis?

    For starters, I think a PPV, steel cage match between Blaise and you would definitely pack them in–the rafters would be shaking and thundering with bedlam! Kain, Kain, Kain the Communists would be bellowing and Blaise, Blaise, Blaise, the Platonist, Atheists, Agnostics, Consequentialists, Epistemologists, Existentialists, would be howling , begging for the blood of their universal rival, Schopenhauer, er, I mean Mr. Kain.

    A promising idea–definitely thumbs up!Report

    • BlaiseP in reply to Baron von Munchausen says:

      I had thought to put up a sub-blog here but am thinking better of it. Still not sure if I fit in here: this is the sort of thing I write, image-heavy and prose of a particularly purple sort.

      Besides, I’m having a bad stretch emotionally. You lot should know I suffer from bipolar syndrome. I’m not a pleasant person and highly unlikely to change much. Furthermore, I’m feeling awkward as the Old Liberal around here. I say what’s on my mind, tell stories from my life to illustrate my points and eyes roll to heaven, for I talk too much about myself. Nobody needs more of that.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to BlaiseP says:

        I’d show up.Report

      • Elias Isquith in reply to BlaiseP says:

        You’re not the only liberal ’round, though you may be the eldest.

        Do your best with the mental demons; I know what a monster the bi-polar iteration can be.Report

      • King Ludwig II in reply to BlaiseP says:

        Blaise, we’re not letting you go this easily! You’re a great guy–one of the most fascinating human beings I’ve ever met–I find you endlessly funny and interesting–I said this before, you are a genuine treasure to cherish!

        And stop beating up on yourself! I know that underneath the gruff exterior, lies a soul, broken hearted soul at times, overwhelmed at times, but still able to feel and love that which is most important, musik. Music will never abandon or forsaken you.

        To be honest, I would be quite crushed if you packed up and left–truly would miss you very much. Your comments are just priceless and bring many laughs–
        And your recap on your life’s experience was so interesting–I couldn’t help imagining what my reply would be—the contrast would have been painfully empty without any merit.

        I offer you my heartfelt best wishes, my friend! You’ll get through this and all the better for it.

        I must send you Beethoven’s 2nd movement from the “Emperor”. If possible, please listen to it under the stars–full moon even better.

        “When gripping grief the heart doth wound,
        And doleful dumps the mind express
        Then Music with her silver sound
        Shall quickly lend redress…”Report

        • King Ludwig II in reply to King Ludwig II says:

          Ah, Musik!

          Blaise, we’re not letting you go this easily! You’re a great guy–one of the most fascinating human beings I’ve ever met–I find you endlessly funny and interesting–I said this before, you are a genuine treasure to cherish!

          And stop beating up on yourself! I know that underneath the gruff exterior, lies a soul, broken hearted soul at times, overwhelmed at times, but still able to feel and love that which is most important, musik. Music will never abandon or forsaken you.

          To be honest, I would be quite crushed if you packed up and left–truly would miss you very much. Your comments are just priceless and bring many laughs–
          And your recap on your life’s experience was so interesting–I couldn’t help imagining what my reply would be—the contrast would have been painfully empty without any merit.

          I offer you my heartfelt best wishes, my friend! You’ll get through this and all the better for it.

          I must send you Beethoven’s 2nd movement from the “Emperor”. If possible, please listen to it under the stars–full moon even better.

          “When gripping grief the heart doth wound,
          And doleful dumps the mind express
          Then Music with her silver sound
          Shall quickly lend redress…”

      • James K in reply to BlaiseP says:

        I’m not a liberal (at least not your kind), but I’d turn up to hear you out. I may not agree with much of what you say, but I find you well worth reading.Report

      • E.D. Kain in reply to BlaiseP says:

        The offer still stands, Blaise. Whichever way you decide. I wouldn’t let battles in the comments get to you too much. You hive every bit as good as you get.Report

  4. dexter says:

    Sorry to hear about your illness. That goes a little way in explaining why you don’t feel comfortable in places. You are not the only liberal around here and I for one enjoy your writing style and most of your obversations. Besides all villians need a good foil.Report

  5. tom van dyke says:

    I’m afraid I don’t read the side blogs. The comments don’t go to “Gifts of Gab,” where I follow the discussions. Plus my screen resolution chops off the right side of the blog anyway, so I forget about them. I only catch “Off the Cuff” occasionally because its discussions wire into “Gifts of Gab.”

    FWIW. All of which is probably a relief to the sub-bloggers, that I’m nowhere to be found in their comments sections. 😉Report

  6. Louis B. says:

    I was never much of a regular around here but I’ve gotta admit I’m kind of disappointed by the balkanization of this place into a bunch of little fiefdoms.Report

  7. Rufus F. says:

    It’s an interesting point about stuff being isolated on the side blogs. To be honest, I really think there needs to be much more cross-posting here. I get the idea of having a more isolated space to ramble in a freeform way without feeling like you’re taking up real estate that could be used better. Sometimes I’ll blog about stuff on my old blog for just that reason- because it’s nothing special and only a few of my friends would care. So I think it’s good for people to have side blogs too, but for you side bloggers, there’s no reason that the choice cuts shouldn’t be posted here too. Just my 2 cents.Report

    • Trumwill in reply to Rufus F. says:

      One thing that I think would be really neat is if there were a site for “Around the League” that aggregated the content. Or heck, just an RSS feed so that I don’t have to add another 8 lines to the app on my phone.Report

    • Elias Isquith in reply to Rufus F. says:

      It’s good to hear this. I’m in a transition phase in my life currently so I have more time than most to blog, but I have generally been wary about taking up too much front-page space — and have also felt as if front-page posts need to be kind of Epic — and have thus shied from cross-posting; but if the community is cool with it I’m more than happy to oblige.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Elias Isquith says:

        front-page posts need to be kind of Epic

        Yeah, that’s why I tend to avoid putting stuff up front.

        I may have an LA Noire-inspired police philosophy post festering in the back of my head, though. That may eventually make it to a sidebar.Report

    • Burt Likko in reply to Rufus F. says:

      Fair enough.

      I’m usually of the mind to save my front-page posting for when I’m sure I’ve got something really good. I guess you don’t know if it’s any good or not until others read it.Report