Monthly Archive: December 2010


Peter Orszag’s new job at Citigroup is one of those under-discussed stories that makes me glad I read blogs. It also makes me depressed because I’m struggling to envision a plausible solution to the...

The Family III

The Serbian artist Marina Abramovi?’s performances suggest, to me, that performance art really isn’t a radical departure from plastic arts, but a return to art’s roots in ritual and religion. Her photography is sometimes more direct, but still retains the...

Words To Live By

[F]or about thirty years I have been showing my respect for the established orthodoxy by skipping breakfast. Two cups of very strong French roast coffee will do nicely until the evening meal, and anyone...

Limits & Liberty

I think one of the driving tensions in my own internal political ecology arises between the components of this posts title: limits and liberty. (Other tensions: progress and tradition; subsidiarity and solidarity; egalitarianism and...