Monthly Archive: December 2010


Peter Orszag’s new job at Citigroup is one of those under-discussed stories that makes me glad I read blogs. It also makes me depressed because I’m struggling to envision a plausible solution to the...

The Family III

The Serbian artist Marina Abramovi?’s performances suggest, to me, that performance art really isn’t a radical departure from plastic arts, but a return to art’s roots in ritual and religion. Her photography is sometimes more direct, but still retains the...

Links from the Blogroll

We haven’t done one of these in awhile. Patrick at Popehat takes a look at the latest frivolous-in-a-reasonable-world anti-McDonald’s lawsuit (a claim of emotional distress because the plaintiff’s daughter too-often asks her mother to...

Words To Live By

[F]or about thirty years I have been showing my respect for the established orthodoxy by skipping breakfast. Two cups of very strong French roast coffee will do nicely until the evening meal, and anyone...

Limits & Liberty

I think one of the driving tensions in my own internal political ecology arises between the components of this posts title: limits and liberty. (Other tensions: progress and tradition; subsidiarity and solidarity; egalitarianism and...

An experiment in varying blog audiences

Each time I cross-post something I have written here to another blog and viewthe receptions that an honest attempt at dialog receives elsewhere compared to how it is received here, I grow to appreciate...

The Final Revival of Opal and Nev

No, You Can’t Call Your Strip Club the NY Pubic Library

My brother recently gave me an early Christmas present by pointing out one of those ridiculous government regulations I so love to mock. In New York, a 2006 law gives the State Education Department...

Pretentious Popcorn

There’s only one thing that can kill the movies, and that’s education. — Will Rogers . Constant Viewer — who, let’s face it, hasn’t been all that constant in his viewing lately — gave...

Not so long ago, not so far away

Currently appearing at the Acte2galerie in Paris, Cédric Delsaux’s “Dark Lens” series (manipulated photos of Dubai) is a clever, surrealistic take on the Star Wars films. A sample after the jump:

Conspiracies and Pseudo-Skepticism, Part I

Ongoing events, coupled with some discussions I’ve been having in the context of those events, have prompted me to revisit a story which I consider to be among the most telling in terms of...

Michael Moore posts bail for Julian Assange

Good for Michael Moore – a man I rarely see eye-to-eye with – for posting Julian Assange’s bail and offering to host WikiLeaks on Moore’s servers: Yesterday, in the Westminster Magistrates Court in London,...

Slippery Slopes to Nowhere

I’ve gotten a lot of grief for my calling Eugene Volokh a significant opponent of same-sex marriage (with some over-the-years context in the comments, here). I’d actually considered taking down the post — it...

Self-Serving Slippery Slopes

Analogies can be tricky things. That’s something that Dr. John Corvino has noted. Over at the Volokh Conspiracy, our old friend EV has blogged about the recent case of the Columbia Professor charged with...

FIFA World Cup 2022: Kowtowing to Homophobia

FIFA’s decision to award the 2018 and 2022 World Cups to Russia and Qatar over the UK, the Low Countries, and Spain/Portugal, and the US, respectively was utterly inexplicable, bizarre, and appalling to begin...