Daily Archive: October 29, 2010
The Three Jonathans
Jonathan Bernstein is blogging (guest-blogging, I think) over at Citizen Cohn, Jonathan Cohn’s blog. This puts us this much closer to my idea for the Three Jonathans Blog – Chait, Cohn, and Bernstein all...
“Excuse me, Sir. Would you rather I grope you or just measure the naughty bits?”
The TSA is again stepping up security measures, and promises that no one will sneak a bomb aboard an airplane by pretending to be well-endowed. Jeffrey Goldberg explains.
“Please accept my heartfelt apology for my appearance at the War Reenactors Dinner dressed as a Confederate Nazi.”
A disgraced Congressman apologizes for his poor choice of costumes.
Notes from a litigious society
I would like to congratulate Justice Paul Wooten of the State Supreme Court in Manhattan for his no-nonsense ruling that 4-year-old children should be open to lawsuits for biking recklessly. In the case of...
Secret Socialism
In high school, I was a self-described socialist. What this meant at the time, God only knows. Now I vacillate between agreeing with our smarter, more prolific blog contributors. If you go back through...
In Which I Prove I’m Not Actually a Republican Shill
Got to admit, this is pretty impressive. Esse quam videre, as they say. How much of the credit for the improvement falls to Obama seems open to debate, and it should be, but plenty...
I have made a significant correction to my post yesterday on the effects of Citizens United on the race in OR-4. I somehow inexcusably managed to forget that individual contributions to PACs for independent...
Government and Fraud Open Thread
Jonathan Bernstein argues that, although it is bad in itself and should be deterred to the extent possible, increased presence of fraud in a government program is a good sign that the program is...
National Review and Prop 19
Here’s an odd statement from Andrew Sullivan: A search for a single mention of Prop 19 in today’s National Review found only this measured piece by Reihan, one of our most illustrious Dish alums....
Broken Culture, Broken Politics?
R.R. Reno has written an essay that asks some important questions and sent me thumbing through my copy of Jacques Barzun’s From Dawn to Decadence: In this atmosphere, the pressing question about politics was...
Obama does the Daily Show
I agree entirely with Jonah Goldberg’s viewing of the Obama/Jon Stewart interview: I apologize for not focusing on this pressing matter earlier, but I’ve only just now actually watched the apparently infamous "dude" scene...
Did private industry create the railroads?
Speaking of Kevin Carson, I would very much like for him to school the editors of The Washington Examiner about whether the railroad industry would have developed without state subsidization.
Studies in Mutualist Political Economy II: Primitive Accumulation. And Karl Popper.
In Part I of this series, I critiqued Kevin Carson’s labor theory of value, saying that I did not find it to be a labor theory in the strict sense of the term. Once...
More On Social Imaginaries
I’m a little embarrassed to say that despite having studied philosophy in college and still being a self-proclaimed philosophy geek, I had never heard of Charles Taylor before yesterday’s Charles Taylor Thursday. But clearly...