Daily Archive: July 29, 2010

Bloodbuzz Ohio

I was remiss in my last music post. Several readers pointed out that The National’s Bloodbuzz Ohio is an excellent tune and should have been included. Well here it is: Some great lyrics in...

If I Were Shirley Sherrod’s Attorney…

(UPDATED) I’d strongly advise against this course of action.  It is certainly true that what Breitbart did was wrong and blatantly misleading.  To the average person lacking a preexisting loyalty to Breitbart, the defenses...

I write like . . . H. P. Lovecraft

The Old Ones have spoken . . . or rather, this incredibly unreliable website has determined I’m a bad Lovecraft knock-off. Sound off in comments with your own results (via).

Links from the Honorary Ordinaries

We haven’t done one of these for awhile.  Today seems like as good a day as any.  It’s sometimes easy to forget that a lot of times the most detail-oriented, sober, and incisive pieces of...

Quick Question

Lately, I’ve read a number of news stories about this sort of thing. Out of curiosity, has there, in fact, been a recent uptick? If so, does anyone know why?