Daily Archive: June 7, 2010

Against Progress

Provocative stuff from Robin Hanson: Social norms are slavery. Factory work is worse than farming is worse than foraging. “School, propaganda, mass media, and who knows what else have greatly changed human nature, enabling a...

First-hired, last-fired

Ezra Klein makes a good point about the ‘first-hired, last-fired’ rule governing most public school systems. In most unionized public-school systems, tenure and seniority are the primary considerations which are used to determine who...

Greetings from a Loyal Democrat

I’ve been invited to contribute here at the League of Ordinary Gentlemen, even though, as you can tell from my name, I don’t quite fit the “gentleman” label.  That aside, I’m proud to join...

Your 2010 World Cup Primer

From The Unlikely Fan, a great series on the history of the World Cup and an entertaining post comparing the history of each country’s national squad to professional American teams. For the highbrow set...