The Supposed Tyranny of New York
Conor Friedersdorf has written a disastrous post about New York over at the Atlantic. His specific complaints — that Manhattan transplants who spend the holidays back in Dubuque complain about how sorry Dubuque is — are hard to argue with. It is indeed a terrible shame, as he says, that “In Houston, Phoenix, Dallas, San Diego, and San Antonio, all among the top ten most populous cities in the United States, the smallest with well over a million residents, the average person has watched countless hours of television set in various New York City apartments.” But why did Conor pick a list of cities unusually famous—justifiably or not—for their blandness? Is it because the average American has watched countless hours of television set in San Francisco, Boston, LA etc, underscoring how much of a non-problem the supposed tyranny of New York is? Baltimore, for instance, recently received a thorough, realistic, and gripping 60-hour treatment on television. Arguably national television audiences know more about how Baltimore works than about New York.
Conor’s lament wasn’t confined to television, however. He also objected to New York’s dominance in print and in the national imagination. This is a little more on the mark. People from the around the country really don’t read the sometimes pretty good stuff published in Baltimore magazines, or dream about kissing in fabled Baltimorean parks. I don’t see what’s so bad about this, though. People in Baltimore do read local magazines, and dream about leading lives in the city, even if a small, usually college-educated and fairly transient sub-set of the population reads the Times every day and knows more about Breakfast at Tiffanies than breakfast at Howard’s down the street. It seems inevitable that as a country we will have national newspapers and national magazines and places that loom large in the national consciousness. Isn’t in much better that these national institutions retain some local savor? Isn’t the New Yorker, in part because it sometimes seems like a local, even a parochial journal, superior to the tranquil no-whereness of Time magazine? Isn’t the inimitable New Yorkiness of the Times, what Fr. Richard Neuhaus used to call “our parish newsletter,” one its few redeeming features, especially compared with the truly national and placeless USA Today?
What Conor is complaining about is just that we have a cultural capital. Admittedly, having a cultural capital can be galling for provincial cities, even if ours doesn’t loom nearly as large over our country as Paris or London or Toronto or Lagos or Buenos Aires, say, do over theirs. But this isn’t an unusual set-up. The concept has a wikipedia page. In fact, national cultures without such dominant cities, Germany for instance, are quite unusual and usually indicate a fairly late or incomplete degree of cultural unity. Is it really so terrible that we have one?
I have only a small quibble. Toronto? The great big bland white bread of Canada’s cities is the cultural capital of that country? I have been away from Canadiastan for a while but surely not that long. Montreal, Vancouver, hell even Ottawa has more character than Toronto. Toronto is big, sure, but culturally weighty? I think not.
As for New York, well if you can make it there you can make it anywhere. San Antonio, San Antonio just doesn’t scan right into that song.Report
@North, point taken.Report
I have to agree about Toronto. A great place, and in some ways iconic of Canada. But the political capital is Ottawa, and Montreal is equally weighty in terms of culture.Report
@JonF, This is true. But, when I lived in Toronto, most of the people I met there believed it to be the cultural capital of Canada, so at least they see themselves that way. Also, it’s a “world-class city”- I heard that at least ten times.Report
Alright, have to stick up for my city here. Yes, Montreal is more franco-glamoureux and Ottawa is where Parliament is. But Toronto has the vast majority of head offices, is the headquarters of the English-Canadian media and has the largest theatre scene. If you’re experience of TO is just the narrow strip of downtown around the bank towers and Eaton Centre then no wonder you think it’s dry. There’s waaaaaaay more to it. I mean, Ottawa, more character? If you have a civil servant fetish I guess.Report
New York’s relative weakness as a cultural capital is typified by the fact that the film industry is not headquartered there (as it is in other countries’ cultural capitals). Sure, we read a lot of stuff published in NYC and about NYC, and view lots of images of NYC. So what? When you boil water or fuel up your car, you end up helping to pay the salaries of thousands of people in Houston. New York is dominant in some ways, but just another city (albeit a great one) in other ways.Report
Didn’t Madonna do a self-parody song about this a few years ago? Actually, I’m not sure it was a self-parody, which is why it was so brilliant.
Baltimore is far from being a cultural capital, but its influence isn’t limited to The Wire. There’s also John Waters — and the fellow in my Gravatar, who still influences so many, even though they don’t know who he is.Report
Poe and Mencken tooReport
@Mike Schilling,
That is Mencken in my Gravatar.Report
@Jason Kuznicki, For what it’s worth, Baltimore residents have the best accent in the US.Report
But Buenos Aires accounts for a third Argentina’s population, London and Paris are both about a fifth of their respective countries, Toronto checks in at 15% of the Canadian population, and Lagos is a little over 10% of Nigeria (and apparently there’s some controversy that the last census undercounted its share of the population). Those are all based on the metro area figures from Wikipedia.
The Census Bureau’s most expansive definition of NYC, on the other hand, accounts for a mere 7% of the U.S. population — so the very fact that you’re grouping it in with those more-demographically-dominant cities emphasizes Conor’s point that it exerts disproportionate influence.Report
@Paul B, it’s also additionally the most important city in the world. And actually I don’t think it’s as dominant in the U.S. as those cities are in their countries.Report
@David Schaengold,
I think “most important” is too broad a claim, even if we’re just talking culture. There are plenty of facets, from movies to architecture to symphonic music, where New York lags noticeably behind other cities.
Anyway, I’d say (speaking as a transplanted Ohioan) the best thing about New York is incidental to its influence on the larger culture: it’s big and diverse enough to support all sorts of cultural niches that don’t and maybe can’t thrive anywhere else. That’s the best kind of parochialism.Report
@Paul B,
I wonder though what percentage of the creative class lives in New York? The definition here is squishy, but I’d guess that it’s a much larger share, and that New York’s only real competition here would be the Los Angeles area.Report
@Jason Kuznicki,
Sounds like a job for Richard Florida!Report
Oh, you use that operating system?
You should use a *REAL* operating system.
Oh, you prefer 15th Century Japanese Poetry?
You should read the Japanese Poetry from a *REAL* Century.
Oh, you went to the 1st Methodist Church in Austin, Texas?
You should go to a *REAL* Methodist Church in Austin, Texas.
(left unstated is the connection that the *REAL* one is the one I happen to favor.)Report
I don’t begrudge New York and Los Angeles getting a lion’s share of the attention. I think fixating only on NYC isn’t particularly fair.
My only real complaint is that sometimes I would like to see shows on television that don’t take place in NYC or LA. A while back I did a scan of the setting of the TV shows on at the time. Of the 34, 21 took place in NYC, LA, Chicago, or DC. Twenty-five took place somewhere other than on the east or west coast.
New York City as The Most Important Place makes a degree of sense. New York City as The Only Place That Matters is a lot more obnoxious. Truthfully, though, it’s not a particularly common viewpoint.
I don’t think it’s particularly good that so many influential people come from a single city. Particularly a city that’s as different as the rest of the country as NYC is from the US. Diversity can be a good thing. Be that as it may, though, a lot of people in NYC are from somewhere else and so I don’t worry about it as much as I otherwise might.
I don’t worry at all about the “brain drain”.Report
“But why did Conor pick a list of cities unusually famous—justifiably or not—for their blandness?”
That’s a telling quote. Outside of NYC, LA, SF, New Orleans, Chicago and maybe Austin what cities would you not consider bland?Report
@Gus, of the cities I’ve been f0rtunate enough to visit, I mention at random ten of my favorites: Savannah, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Seattle, Baltimore, Santa Fe, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and St. LouisReport
Hmph. There’s nothing “provincial” about Houston or Dallas of San Antonio or Austin or El Paso. You have one great city; we have 5! Cultural capital my eye. *Comic Yosemite Sam stomp-off*Report
Thousands of hours of television has driven one message home when it comes to New York, it’s a crime riddled shit hole.
I’ve never seen an television show set in new york that didn’t make the city look like a post-apocalyptic hell hole.
Maybe I’m just watching the wrong television shows.Report
@Endevour to Persevere, Don’t forget middle-aged women with too much money who like to have vapid conversations about their sex lives over lunch.Report