Daily Archive: January 21, 2010

Houston, We Have an Ecological-Governmental Problem

Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger, writing in Foreign Policy: In this, Obama was following two decades of magical thinking among both greens and liberal Democrats about energy technology. In this view, energy efficiency pays...

Too little colonialism?

At the Corner, Mark Krikorian proposes one possible explanation for Haiti’s woes: My guess is that Haiti’s so screwed up because it wasn’t colonized long enough. The ancestors of today’s Haitians, like elsewhere in...

We’re Still Having this Debate?

The one single refrain we’ve heard (especially from Broderists) over the last few years when it comes to those who claim nothing should be done about Bush-era “enhanced interrogation techniques” is that prosecutions or...

About That McCain-Feingold Bill…

Hopefully I’ll have more tonight or tomorrow on the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United.  But I am amazed at the hyperventilating response from McCain-Feingold backers.  Is there any evidence that McCain-Feingold succeeded in...

The Necessity of Tri-Partisanship

From The New York Times: With Democrats reeling from the Republican victory in the Massachusetts special Senate election, President Obama on Wednesday signaled that he might be willing to set aside his goal of achieving...

Bold Moves in Detroit?

No, I’m not talking about the Lions breaking their NFL record 26 game road losing streak even as I write this. I’m talking about Detroit Mayor Dave Bing’s plan to try to consolidate the...

Vector, Not Scope

I understand what Jamelle is trying to say in response to E.D.  I do.  But I think Jamelle is fundamentally misreading the GOP and the nature of what can make something meaningfully “bi-partisan” (much as...