In Defense of Industrial Agriculture
Via NR, the author of “The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-Intellectuals” unloads another broadside against critics of modern agriculture.
by Will · November 25, 2009
Via NR, the author of “The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-Intellectuals” unloads another broadside against critics of modern agriculture.
Tags: agricultureconservatism
Will writes from Washington, D.C. (well, Arlington, Virginia). You can reach him at willblogcorrespondence at gmail dot com.
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The omnivore’s delusion always seemed pretty soundly grounded to me. This one is a bit more of an all purpose screed. I particularly was amused by his last paragraph where he absently mentions all the ways that the government props up farms. Agricultural entitlement at its’ best there.
Now heavens know that the Farm inc. crowds are batshit crazy about a lot of things when it comes to do with modern farming. But the Industrial farming crowds aren’t all in the right either. There’s a monstrous dead zone sitting in the Caribbean that can attest very firmly to that. Probably the right mix is somewhere in between the two poles.Report
i can easily imagine plenty of good critiques of the critics of modern Ag, but this was mostly a “those darn city folk” culture war type puff piece from AEI. I’m guessing one of AEI’s sponsors is Monsanto.Report
No arguement there greginak. I’d commend his original article to you. It has a lot more thoughtful intelligent points and a lot less polemic fluff.Report
Federal Ag subsidies are as maddening as bank bail outs.Report
Yeah Cas, only they’re also as ubiquitous as cockroaches and as durable too. If the end times come I anticipate that the cockroaches will survive… and somehow they’ll preserve the federal agricultural subsidies.Report