Daily Archive: August 25, 2009

I Give Up

If there was ever even the faintest glimmer of hope for Wyden-Bennett or any other kind of meaningful health care reform proposal amenable to conservative and libertarian sensibilities, the Club For Growth just killed...

If I Were a Fan of Dick Cheney…

I wouldn’t be so quick to claim that yesterday’s document dump in any way vindicates Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (or, as the rest of the world calls them, Torture).  In fact, if I were a...

Sensible Observations

One of the nice things about transitioning out of academic life and into professional life (if only temporarily) is that I suddenly have a surfeit of leisure time, and among other things, I’m using...

I’m thinking of subscribing to a magazine . . .

. . . and I’d be interested to get some feedback from our commentariat. I’m looking for something that’s reasonably priced, interesting, and generally sympathetic to conservative ideas (although not necessarily ideological). Here are...

Deep Philosophy Pun of the Day

The status update of The Vancouver Public Library’s copy of Jacques Derrida’s On Grammatology reads:  Trace. Beyond awesome.  Somewhere Derrida is grinning.

Live & Die by the Sword, But Convert by the Sword?

Freddie posted a quotation from Gregg Easterbrook (whose writing I often find refreshingly counter-intuitive) about the success of the recent Indonesian elections.  Easterbrook correctly laments the lack of coverage in the US press this...