Esteemed co-blogger Chris Dierkes has a challenging post on the democratic process. Here’s a decent summary: In our late modern (or postmodern if you like) world, with the proliferation of many interests and sub-interests,...
Esteemed co-blogger Chris Dierkes has a challenging post on the democratic process. Here’s a decent summary: In our late modern (or postmodern if you like) world, with the proliferation of many interests and sub-interests,...
Kyle Cupp has this to say about my professed culture-war pacifism:
In the interests of showing that I will disagree as loudly with my friends as with my foes…. Mark invokes what has become a stand-in for every “loony left” cliche there is, the Mumia...
…is laying off all the school psychologists, school counselors, art teachers, music teachers, theatre teachers, P.E. teachers, and many of its new teachers not out of the “probationary” period yet – a total cut...
Señor Payne a few posts down shrewdly argues that political hyper-partisanship is a outgrowth of laziness. He documents lo the many ways this is the case. A better approach in his mind is the...
…that these “Tea Parties” are nothing more than GOP leftover rallies from a population still deeply absorbed in its own denialism over the loss of the Presidency to a Democrat.
Andrew Sullivan has been taking flak from movement conservatives (what else is new?) for calling the Tea Party protests nothing more than childish “temper tantrums.” He has repeatedly pointed out the hypocrisy of these...
“Saving” marriage obviously means objecting to gay-marriage. But what does this have to do with abortion? Can someone please explain to me what on earth King means? Seriously, I have no idea. ~ Alex...