Tagged: Thanksgiving
The Christmas Baby (On Thanksgiving)
My most eventful Thanksgiving by far happened two years ago, when what was supposed to be our Christmas-time baby showed up Thanksgiving Day instead.
How to Deal With Politics on Thanksgiving
We may find that if we consider how much we have to be thankful for, partisan politics will take on diminished importance. That will be a very good thing.
The American Spirit of Gratitude
Thanksgiving is the best example of the confluence between America’s pioneering spirit and our national penchant for thankfulness.
Turkey Rain
“As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”
Thanksgiving Spin: The Last Waltz
Celebrating Thanksgiving with one of the world’s greatest vanity projects ever, The Band’s The Last Waltz
Thankful Just to Be Here
There’s nothing like a near death experience to fix your attitude on life! This year, I have SO MUCH to be grateful for.
Wednesday Writs Pie Edition
For this Thanksgiving edition of Wednesday Writs, I bring you a sordid tale of ruthless corporate greed, and espionage, and pie. Yes, pie.
Turkeys of the Year and Golden Drumsticks For 2020
Turkeys of the Year for those who exemplify silliness & stupidity and Golden Drumsticks for those who exemplify the best traits in our public sphere.
Broth and Stock: Truly Making Something From Nothing
Homemade stock is the heart of a good soup, and using your own broth really adds a special something to soups and stews.
Weekend Plans Post: Post-Thanksgiving Recovery
It is good to spend time with relatives.
It is good to go home afterwards.
Thanksgiving Spin: Arlo Guthrie
Have you ever flipped on the radio during Thanksgiving, only to find that your local station is playing an 18-minute song about a restaurant, twenty-seven 8 x 10 colored glossy photographs, and a “Massacree?”
My Family’s Slaves: A Thanksgiving Story
Thanksgiving is a time for being thankful and every one of us alive here in America 2019 should be incredibly thankful.
Ordinary World: Thanksgiving
Your Ordinary World Thanksgiving links, on history, myths, food, and all the things that make for a holiday. Read, share, and enjoy.