Thanksgiving Spin: The Last Waltz

Christopher Bradley

Christopher is a lawyer from NEPA, aka, Pennsultucky, He is an avid baseball fan, audiophile, and dog owner. He spends the majority of his free time with his wife and daughters, reading, listening to music, watching baseball (except the Yankees) and writing.

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3 Responses

  1. So there are a ton of moments from both the record and the film, but my favorite has always been Clapton coming out with his guitar strap twisted up so that as son as really started to dig in with his strat it popped off. Smooth as can be he called for Robbie Robertson, who picked up the lead without missing a beat as Clapton fixed it then jumped right back in. Even the best of us forget the little things like strapping up sometimes…Report

  2. Slade the Leveller says:

    I never knew there was a Diamond/Dylan feud. It sounds so odd. What could those 2 possibly be at odds over? It brings to mind Joe Piscopo’s Sinatra giving the business to Sting’s Billy Idol.Report