A Smallville Retrospective
Over a decade after its finale and two decades after its premiere, two fans reflect on the good, the bad, and the weird of Smallville
Over a decade after its finale and two decades after its premiere, two fans reflect on the good, the bad, and the weird of Smallville
Superman, Gary Cooper, Straw Man Fallacy, and Hollywood’s 50-some-odd years of embracing the anti-hero to a ridiculous extreme.
The following story is meant to be humorous, and is not intended to represent men of steel or any other alloy for that matter.
The last time the U.S. faced a global threat, Batman and Superman did their part—by becoming national pitchmen.
So if “doing what works” is a working definition of fascism, and an affinity for “doing what works” makes Batman fascist, and Superman
fascist, what does that mean for us poor old everyday humans
Where I don’t review Batman vs. Superman but critique the mindset of trolling fan boys.
The news that Ben Affleck has been tapped to play Batman in Zack Snyder’s upcoming Superman movie has me thinking of just about everyone else in the world I wish Warner Bros. chose instead.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kent — I hope you’re as excited by the new school year as I am. We’re so glad to have little Clark back at Smallville Elementary! I’m sure he’s going...
I really wanted Man of Steel to be fun movie. And at times, it was. It was worth the matinee price. [Continued at NaPP]
Digby argues that MSNBC’s ratings aren’t down because of quality issues, but rather that a large part of its liberal base is currently alienated and indifferent. Some are defending the humanities against digital aggression,...