Throughput: The Kids Are All Right but the Surgeon General Isn’t Edition
To the extent that social media is a problem, it is because they amplify efforts to instill young people with a constant sense of dread.
To the extent that social media is a problem, it is because they amplify efforts to instill young people with a constant sense of dread.
If a culture war happens online and you don’t get sucked into the algorithmic vortex of it, did it make a sound?
The most hardcore supporters of Ukraine in the West are too gung-ho about war aims, to the point of being entirely counterproductive.
In these circumstances, outrage sells even better, and it seems to be a race to the bottom in terms of stoking public anger.
The parties were frequently corrupt. But, we have swung to the other extreme and neutered the ability of parties to function effectively at all.
There are a number of hurdles Musk has to clear before he swaps $45b in imaginary Tesla value for $45b in imaginary Twitter value.
Everything is worse, people are worse, everything sucks, we are all going to die, and it is all the fault of social media…or something.
Thoughts on the gap between what I practice and what I preach.
Expanding into a more pop-rock sound, Aaron Lee Tasjan has endlessly catchy songs in the vein of Tom Petty, ELO, and The Traveling Wilburys.
In a move sure to play right into the “Big Tech” debate, former President Donald Trump will remain blocked from Facebook
Let me tell you about being owned on Facebook by my mom, and I hope when I’m done I have adequately expressed my appreciation for her
What about forgiveness? Who has the power to forgive Freddie deBoer? More importantly, who has the authority to forgive him?
“Cancel culture” is a new term in the cultural lexicon, barely registering in Google search trends prior to 2018. Is it good or bad?
That’s the sentence that sent me to a 12-hour Twitter time-out so I could cool my heels and think about all the harm I wished to inflict.
First Apple kicked the app off the iOS app store, and now Amazon is ending their web services agreement citing breech of terms of service.
Because part of becoming a modern adult is learning to hate everything that might have made you happy as a kid.
These former Twitter brands have found an audience receptive to their bloviating on Parler. Wonderful. And also, how boring.
College graduates that did it live online, VP pick silly season, and Very Online v the normies in this latest edition of Harsh Your Mellow Monday
I am of the opinion that personal attacks about people’s coronavirus/quarantine anxiety are yet another pleasure we should probably forgo right now.
At some point, the media is going to have to learn how to properly use social media