Pride and Prejudice: The Gropeless Romantic
Despite the seemingly dry subject matter, it’s super hot. Pride and Prejudice sizzles inasmuch as something first published in 1813 is allowed to sizzle.
Despite the seemingly dry subject matter, it’s super hot. Pride and Prejudice sizzles inasmuch as something first published in 1813 is allowed to sizzle.
Fifty Shades of Grey was a terrible & dangerous book that normalized toxic attitudes about sex. Kushiel’s Dart was an interesting book on a similar topic that I liked.
What is the true meaning of Christmas anyway? I’m going to set that question aside for a little bit to talk about syphilis.
Should I watch Season 4 of Veronica Mars or nah?
No justice, but plenty of questions, conspiracies, and soon-to-be pending civil suits against the estate of Jeffrey Epstein.
I wanted a lot of links about love and marriage for this Valentine’s Day, so I consulted two college professors who study marriage and relationships.
In which two race-bending ads show us how terrible we really are when it comes to discussing the problem of racism.
This week! Religion, Nature, Democracy, Education, Sex, and Freedom!
This essay is about reading gay porn before class. And it resurrects an Ideological Outrage Of The Day from 2012. And a graphic novel. And striking out romantically. And Richard Dawkins.
A horrific event at Burt Likko’s alma mater leaves him meditating on whether the modern age has somehow magnified and distorted the difficult-enough trials of youthful sexual frustration.
In classical art, you almost never see Athena and Aphrodite depicted together. There’s a reason for that, and it’s not the same reason you never see Clark Kent and Superman in the same room.
By special request: Burt Likko reflects on a dozen or so not-particularly-glamorous cases from early in his career.
Raylan Alleman believes you shouldn’t send your daughter to college. What is he thinking?
Nick Gillespie of Reason has written for The Daily Beast what is an essentially boring and rehashed “liberalism-multiplies-its-own-failures” libertarian critique. What caught my eye, though, was the way he decided to begin his argument...
“To have intercourse without intending children is to violate nature, which we must take as our teacher.” – Clement of Alexandria Throughout many traditions of Christian thought, theologians have taken nature, by which they’ve...
Last night a reader forwarded me The Awl’s interview of Ken Hoinsky by Maria Bustillos. To be honest, I hadn’t intended to chime in on this story when I first came across it via...