Tagged: reading
Pandemic Reading about Pandemics Past
Quarantine reading gives a moment to consider the literature of pandemics past
Original Fiction: Highest Noon By Michael Siegel
Original Fiction from Michael Siegel: “Kate made one last check, nodded to Samson and then slowly undid the seals on her helmet…”
Skipping The Summer Reading
This essay is about reading gay porn before class. And it resurrects an Ideological Outrage Of The Day from 2012. And a graphic novel. And striking out romantically. And Richard Dawkins.
Add Me as a Co-signer
In the Washington Post, Alexandra Petri pleads with Barnes & Noble not to marginalize itself, with more effectiveness and less of the accidental elitism of a former Classics major than I could muster. (h/t Rod Dreher)
In Praise of the Big Box Bookstore
Sitting in a Barnes and Noble cafe at the start of January, I read: What is astonishing is the quantity of books worth reading at college age and later which cannot be bought except...
Reading in the Digital Age
At the end of every term for at least the last half-dozen years, I’ve had to take a week (or two—the task probably isn’t done by the end of a single week) and re-teach...
Locke’s (somewhat Hobbesian) Second Treatise
[Note: No promises, but this post will likely make more sense if you first read my post on Hobbes’s Leviathan. There will not be an exam.] Okay, so previously, I said that the neat contrast...
You’re so vain, you probably think this post is about you.
From a note that I sent to Alan Jacobs, a few days after Steve Jobs died: My cousin was a reader at Paramount. This was back before FinalCutPro and Sony PD150. This was...
Kludges, Adaptations, and Evolution, Part 2
(Part 1 here.) From Kevin Kelley’s Technium, March 4, 2008: A creator, such as an artist, musician, photographer, craftsperson, performer, animator, designer, videomaker, or author – in other words, anyone producing works of art...
Open Thread: Weekend Reading Edition
This seemed fitting somehow. (via) What is everyone doing to expand their minds this weekend?
Secret Smut
A quirky window into consumer behavior: As e-readers boom, bibliophiles take advantage of online anonymity to purchase more trashy romance novels. Will science fiction and fantasy authors enjoy similar dividends?
A list of books from my childhood
Tyler Cowen and Peter Suderman have both compiled (non-definitive) lists of books which have influenced them the most over the years. I have thought about this some, and come to the decision that the...
Yes, Google is making me stupid
Or at least less apt to struggle through difficult, rewarding books. You see, I was (belatedly) inspired by The American Scene’s “Fall of the U.S.A.” series to pick up John Dos Passos and give...
The Darkness That Comes Before
How did I never hear of this book before? R. Scott Bakker’s first novel and the first in The Prince of Nothing series is, for lack of a better word, tremendous. I’m only about...
a reading list for fantasy enthusiasts
So in the comments to this post, I received a lot of reading suggestions for good fantasy. They are listed below with updates to follow…