Tagged: policy

Legal, Restricted Abortion Is Here to Stay

Today, on the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, President Obama reaffirmed his commitment to “the decision’s guiding principle: that every woman should be able to make her own choices about her body and...

Can a small target be easier to hit?

One of the occasional frustrations of debating policy is that it can be difficult to convey your views concisely and precisely. In the case of libertarianism one difficulty is defining exactly what you mean...

Addressing Income Inequality

From Ross Douthat: And this is where I think the American left falls short. I agree with Yglesias that most liberals who care about inequality care about immobility as well.

Radical steps needed to combat climate change

This is a ‘promoted comment‘ from the post “Climate Change is Real and it’s Heating Up‘. It has been edited for clarity, with sources added. ~by mclaren Excellent post by Kain, as usual. The...

Climate Change is Real, and it’s Heating Up

Despite what many GOP contenders for the 2012 presidential nomination say, the Earth really is heating up, and the costs of global warming may be drastically higher than previous estimates suggested. Meanwhile, investigators in...

Market liberals

Matt Yglesias makes tons of sense with his latest foray into an ongoing debate between him and John Quiggin and others. I think Matt operates in that awkward position of being not-progressive-enough for much...