Tagged: motherhood
The Riddle of The Mother
Now I’m wondering whether the professor wrote the riddle because it was already a dangerous question in mid-19th Century Germany.
Say No To Puritarian America
Keep government limited to the things it does well (if any) and I’ll worry about my own boobs.
Sunday Morning! “Ducks, Newburyport”
Our minds are messy places. This novel takes you into the very nervous mind of an Ohio mother, housewife, and pie baker over the course of a thousand pages and mostly through one very long sentence.
Harry Potter and the Many Faces of Motherhood
Harry Potter, both on screen and in the books, is also about the many iterations of motherhood, how it manifests, and the many ways in which it alters the world.
Defenders Of The Gold Bikini 2: The Fempire Doesn’t Strike Back
In which Padme swoons, and dies. There is absolutely NO purpose to Padme’s death.