From Piles to Paradise: Mitt Romney’s Sea Misadventure with Bryan & Booper
As far as Mitt Romney is concerned, this tale contains observations of an anatomical nature which are, if not indecent, entirely fictional.
As far as Mitt Romney is concerned, this tale contains observations of an anatomical nature which are, if not indecent, entirely fictional.
How has Mitt Romney resisted the pressure to go along to get along? By governing for his legacy, not for accolades on Fox News.
Linky Friday, Ordinary Times’ long-running tradition of bringing you links to stories from around the interwebs to discuss, is back
The missing blue wave, impeachment martyrdom, the Fal-ings of self-awareness, and some places we got it right/wrong in Harsh Your Mellow Monday
Use impeachment to appease the base. Then legislate while everyone is distracted by the West Wing-World Wrestling mashup.
In a hotly contested election year, the most boring US Senate race might prove to have the most impact after the election. Barring something unheard of Mitt Romney is going to become the junior US Senator from Utah. But the former Massachusetts Governor and presidential candidate would not be your typical freshman senator.
A grownup finally steps in. Bear in mind, this is an argument aimed at Republicans.
Full text and video.
Mitt Romney is considering running again in 2016. Herewith a little history lesson. Three men have lost their first election as their party’s presidential nominee, then gone on to get their party’s nomination again:*#...
I plowed through Double Down, which I recommend if you are one of the relative few who belong both to the set of people who like politics and the set of people who are not...
A new Economist piece sheds light on whether or not Romney’s 2012 rhetoric was as plastic as it seemed.
Mitt Romney believes that he lost the presidential election because many voters (as many as 47%, maybe more!) who benefit from government programs were incapable of basing their votes on anything other than their interest in maintaining...
“But there is another kind of light; a light that fills even the darkest places. For if this meat-light did not exist, how could darkness be seen? And so it is with the truth....
Kevin Drum provides a wonderful opportunity for me to launch my first volley in the struggle to write the first draft of history for the 2012 election: Liberals, you should rein in the triumphalism....
In case you hadn’t noticed, American lefties have been having a bit of fun at Karl Rove’s expense. Their bête noire imploded on live TV Tuesday night; Fox’s Megyn Kelly had to talk him...
I have always been drawn to this scene; I find its argument appealing, especially the idea that people looking for patterns will always find them. There is something particularly human about this persistent insistence...
Though I’ve made my view of the electoral situation pretty clear, I’m well aware that Tuesday’s election will be damned close. I’m well aware that as encouraging as Nate Silver’s model/conclusions are, he still predicts...
I love Nate Silver. I love his steady analysis of staggering reams of data. I love his measured treatment of complicated electoral possibilities. I love that he talks in terms of probabilities instead of...
“On Monday morning, Romney’s local team in Dayton was eagerly preparing to host the candidate the following day. A high school gym had been reserved, a stage had been rented, and a pair of...