Tagged: Leaguefest

Leaguefest 2022

Leaguefest 2022: More Info

We shall be staying in historic Old Town Alexandria! There will be food involved though we don’t know what. Vineyards? Hamilton? Chime in now!

Leaguefest 2022

Leaguefest 2022: Save The Date

It has been an incredibly long time since we’ve actually had a Leaguefest, which makes me more excited than ever about it.

Some Reminders

Stuff you shouldn’t forget to do. Even if you’re just a lurker.

Lard Pastry Crust

At Leaguefest someone asked me for my lard pastry crust recipe. I don’t remember who it was. I don’t even remember the person’s gender. I spent half of Leaguefest with a martini in my...

On the Eve of #LeagueFest 2012

So the time has finally come. A dozen or so Gentlemen and spouses will be converging upon the City of Sin in the next 24 hours or so. Some of the more intrepid among...

Leaguefest 2012: Rooms Going Fast

If you are planning on coming to Leaguefest 2012 on Memorial Day Weekend (May 25-May 28), please make your reservations soon. Our group rate will not be valid after April 25, only a few...