Tagged: kamala harris

kamala harris

Biden Picks Kamala Harris

A VP pick is usually about is solidifying the base, balancing the ticket, & generating intra-party enthusiasm. Harris will do that just fine

Kamala Harris

Symposium: Harris carries with her an opportunity that no other Democratic candidate brings: the possibility of beating back the white-nationalist/alt-right wing of the Republican Party

No Way To Die In California

A judge recently found that California’s death penalty, as it is administered, is cruel and unusual punishment, serving no identifiable purpose. Digging in to the opinion, Burt Likko finds a perverse conflict: an effort to comply with one part of the Constitution leads to a violation of another.


Let’s say a man is working with a woman in a professional capacity. Let’s further say that, without necessarily wanting to pursue a romantic, sexual or any other sort of personal relationship with her, the...