History Was Made in 2024 Election, Now What?
The result means we will get three straight one-term presidencies right after we had three straight two-term presidencies
The result means we will get three straight one-term presidencies right after we had three straight two-term presidencies
I’ll go one-by-one what those good signs are and separate them between the two candidates. I’ll also note some interesting tidbits to keep an eye on come November as results come in
The much discussed “when will she” interview has now finally happened. Watch Kamala Harris and Tim Walz’s CNN sit down for yourself and discuss
Given the options – a sham blitz primary/floor fight, with GOP legal challenges to follow – Democrats made the best of a bad situation.
With that kind of empowerment and love at home, the Vice President-Elect was almost guaranteed a life of success and confidence.
They both tried to walk various tightropes between their own pasts, their principals’ present, and their own imagined electoral future.
Kamala Harris is now set up with advantages few politicians enjoy. But while looking good on paper, real world challenges are coming.
To my friends four years ago who never knew I was silently judging them, my apologies. I get it now.
A VP pick is usually about is solidifying the base, balancing the ticket, & generating intra-party enthusiasm. Harris will do that just fine
Kamala Harris does not want to be the token black candidate hanging around to make the Democratic Party feel comfortable.
Senator Kamala Harris’ once promising campaign for the Democratic nomination for president has ended
With the “Warren vs Biden” matchup not really happening as advertised, and Bernie being Bernie but with a scratchy throat, the sizzle reels for the talking head shows are going to need something to cover other than Biden’s gaffes and word salad. So Beto will eat up plenty of air time over the next few days.
Symposium: Harris carries with her an opportunity that no other Democratic candidate brings: the possibility of beating back the white-nationalist/alt-right wing of the Republican Party
As had been widely reported, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced see will be seeking the Democratic Nomination for president in 2020.
Hiram Johnson’s worst nightmare threatens to crawl out of a nasty little cave in Orange County, California.
A judge recently found that California’s death penalty, as it is administered, is cruel and unusual punishment, serving no identifiable purpose. Digging in to the opinion, Burt Likko finds a perverse conflict: an effort to comply with one part of the Constitution leads to a violation of another.
Let’s say a man is working with a woman in a professional capacity. Let’s further say that, without necessarily wanting to pursue a romantic, sexual or any other sort of personal relationship with her, the...