It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Joker World
The 20-year-old Joker story that explains our times. A Jokerscape today might comprise endless memes and Reddit rabbit holes
The 20-year-old Joker story that explains our times. A Jokerscape today might comprise endless memes and Reddit rabbit holes
My criticism did not happen to apply…Joker is outstanding, insightful, and may very well be one of the most important movies of the 21st century.
The glitz! The glamour! The self-importance! Gearing up for the 92nd Academy Awards with slightly (okay, largely) irreverent impressions of: “Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood”, “1917”, “Jojo Rabbit”, and “Joker”.
Harley Quinn stayed with the Joker because she did the math and she decided she was better off with him than without him. That’s the reason why women stay with everyday bad guys who aren’t Jokers.
This is not a super hero movie. There is nobody in a spandex costume. Nobody has super powers. There are minimal special effects.
Some of the depictions of mental illness were nuanced and compassionate, while some missed the mark.
Yes, it’s good and yes, you should probably go see it *BUT* only if you see it with someone whose hand you can grab and squeeze during the intense parts. OF WHICH THERE ARE MANY.
How can any of us be held responsible for being bad, or given credit for being good, if all we are is conscienceless computer programs easily corrupted by a traumatic childhood?
In the glamorous world of superheroes, all of the media attention is always focused on the famous, flamboyant super-villains. But what about the regular, everyday, Joe-Shmoe working-stiffs that make the wheels of those Evil Empires go ’round? Who takes the time to tell their story?