Embassies, Attacks, and Iran
The simple fact is that Iran has never balked at attacked embassies. And far from bombing or invading Iran, we have usually just rolled with the punches.
The simple fact is that Iran has never balked at attacked embassies. And far from bombing or invading Iran, we have usually just rolled with the punches.
History might be repeating itself. So, who are the Houthis and what are they doing in the region that is causing such wide-ranging effects?
Despite its recent expansion, the BRICS ‘alliance’ is nothing more than vaporware. Claims of the death of the American-led world order have been greatly exaggerated.
Should the strong protect the weak? The answer to this question says a great deal about the divergence between contemporary European and American attitudes on foreign policy.
The China-brokered deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia has shuffled the deck in the Middle East, cutting the US out of the pot.
Aside from the loss of life, it is yet another incident of the Iranian military’s scary streak of incompetence.
Fears about World War III, when they are not jokes, mostly revolve around an outdated view of how wars begin in the modern world.
Four kids into my own parenting journey, I have learned a few things to do/not do, and seems like a good time to break out a few bits of hard earned wisdom.
This killing of Suleimani has the potential to be a very big moment in 40+ years of American-Iranian tensions
It seems that with the exception of the French not too many Europeans are willing to fight for anything. Pacifism is on the rise in Europe and in the welfare state many are tempted...
Looking for suggestions in the decidedly unlikely event of lunch with a member of Congress.
Close to home and far away, this week’s subject is uncommon indeed.
Precis: In a crucial moment of opportunity, Hassan Rouhani, Iran’s new president, extends the hand of diplomacy. President Obama’s team, surprised and gratified, grasp for Rouhani’s hand. If the handshake pans out, this rapprochement...
The full text of the Senate’s joint resolution authorizing the use of military force in Syria is now available.
~by Creon Critic What exactly is the delay in formulating a comprehensive strategy to transition the Assad regime out of power in Syria? However reluctant President Obama is to get further involved in another...
…to fight Jihadist terrorism. Andrew Sullivan’s obsession with Islamic terrorism, or radical Islam’s unique penchant for terrorism (it’s not easy to tell the two apart anymore), continues
Over at Blinded Trials the esteemed Dr. Saunders has a post up about how W. Mitt Romney, much like John McCain before him, has managed to alienate potential voters with his mendacity and pandering to the...
The past three days have seen three important events in Israeli politics, which, taken together, will have ramifications for American policy and the region as a whole. On Tuesday—as the title of my prior,...
There’s a long and honorable legacy in the Jewish tradition of universalism, humanity, pacifism, and a generally forward-thinking, enlightened worldview. Of this legacy, Philip Klein of The Washington Examiner is not an heir; and...