Tagged: higher education


Is The Lambda School Model The Future of Higher Education?

The level of student debt accrued by students has skyrocketed in recent years. At the same time, the benefits of obtaining a bachelor’s degree and the ensuing debt that goes along with it has been diminishing. The current model of higher education, it would appear, is ripe for disruption.

Enter Lambda School

What Online Education Shares with IKEA

I’m currently moving into a bigger apartment. The total square footage of the new location is approximately twice that of where I’m currently staying. As a result, I need (read: want) more furniture. And so my girlfriend...

Living The Dream (Law School, Part 4)

Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on Higher Education in the 21st Century. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in...