Choose Your Own Narrative: NC-09 Special Election Edition
The last election of 2018, redone in 2019, that some folks desperately want to mean something for 2020. Be careful with the Bellwether.
The last election of 2018, redone in 2019, that some folks desperately want to mean something for 2020. Be careful with the Bellwether.
Well, now that you’ve read our series on who you ought to be rooting for in the pre-season, it’s time for everybody to show how good they are at this prediction thing!
Symposium: If you want someone who would make the changes Trump promised but hadn’t, then I can’t think of anyone better than Tulsi Gabbard.
For being so popular at the moment, it is amazing that people have forgotten about Joe Biden.
Let us spare a moment to consider Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s re-lauch/reboot/restart campaign.
Linky Friday is Ordinary Times’ end of week tradition of bringing you links from across the web and around the world. This week, a special focus on Midterms 2018, musical interludes, and the greatest campaign speech of all time.
Parting thoughts on the former next Madame President. (Or: I listened to 16 hours of Hillary Clinton so you don’t have to.)
What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side
“Hold up, hold up, hold up,”
Kevin Drum provides a wonderful opportunity for me to launch my first volley in the struggle to write the first draft of history for the 2012 election: Liberals, you should rein in the triumphalism....
In the comments here James Hanley called the debates “pure political theater.” To the degree that last night’s romp was light on substance and heavy on posturing it certainly was politically theatrical. And yet...
The night of October 16 was a good one for President Obama. After more than a month of sounding, looking, and acting like a tired man who resents being made to undergo the electioneering...
Tom Bissell is one of my favorite writers. In his recent career he’s written a lot about video games, but for the election Yahoo! News has given him some space to pontificate about politics.
Ross Douthat seeks to diagnose what’s ailing the left and more specifically, the President. Naturally, it’s “liberalism’s glass jaw,” “There is no world in which all of these hopes could have been perfectly realized....
As televised Presidential debates go, it’s pretty clear that Romney trounced Obama. If you disagree, listen to Chris Mathews and the rest of the liberal MSNBC fan club. He and the rest of the...
In a way, Romney and Obama both need to do the same thing tonight. And no, I’m not talking just about winning. Both Romney and Obama need to make the case for why their...
So what can the 2000 election, and subsequent events, tell us about how we cast our votes for President in 2012? That’s the rhetorical question Kevin Drum asks as a way to set up...
This piece by Rebecca Solnit serves as the best example, but there are countless others as well. In short, many self-proclaimed liberals can’t stand that (1) their guy might be just as morally dubious...