Tagged: Election

time capsule

2019 Time Capsule

Well, now that you’ve read our series on who you ought to be rooting for in the pre-season, it’s time for everybody to show how good they are at this prediction thing!


Linky Friday: Midterms 2018

Linky Friday is Ordinary Times’ end of week tradition of bringing you links from across the web and around the world. This week, a special focus on Midterms 2018, musical interludes, and the greatest campaign speech of all time.

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Kevin Drum provides a wonderful opportunity for me to launch my first volley in the struggle to write the first draft of history for the 2012 election: Liberals, you should rein in the triumphalism....

Politics and Empathy

Tom Bissell is one of my favorite writers. In his recent career he’s written a lot about video games, but for the election Yahoo! News has given him some space to pontificate about politics.