On Civil War
A movie about how journalists who know nothing would imagine journalism to be during what they imagine a Civil War in the US would look like.
A movie about how journalists who know nothing would imagine journalism to be during what they imagine a Civil War in the US would look like.
I’ve missed that sustained discourse and offer the following unsolicited thoughts on random things as junk brought back from the wasteland
So, is ‘national divorce’ a reasonable idea? Perhaps
Chris Mackowski of the Emerging Civil War Blog joins Dennis Sanders on the latest episode of his En Route Podcast.
What happened today could be a one-off that we will forget about months from now or it could also be a harbinger of something far dangerous down the road.
Rise against the unworthy schemers who, far from wanting law and order and freedom, only use such words to entice others into subjugation.
Before you protest the removal of Confederate monuments, ask yourself if you know why they were erected in the first place?
This week, Myra Bradwell fights the power, Atatiana Jefferson, SCOTUS, lawyer misses court for the best possible reason, gig economy, and more.
It did surprise me how much I did not know about the Spanish Civil War. It’s as if all trace of it is scrubbed from historical summaries of the leadup to WWII
How we look at the Civil War has changed in the last few years. This is good-and bad.
Can two people set aside their differences and under the influences of hormones and hearts, live happily ever after?
Some folks never disappoint, or always do, depending on your perspective.
The South is so obsessed with one short, horrible moment in its past that it continues to limit the inclusiveness of its future.
Could Abraham Lincoln really have sidestepped the entire American Civil War by using the government’s power of property condemnation to buy all of the slaves in the South and then free them?
Andrew Sullivan has pulled out the Electoral College maps again to make a point about race, the Confederacy, and the Republican Party: [I]f Obama loses North Carolina, Virginia and Florida – which I suspect...
Because I’m behind the times (the Internet times, that is—they move so fast and I’m already stuck at least a decade ago), I’ve just now gotten around to reading Ta-Nehisi Coates’ long-form article on...
Tossed off almost like an aside, and one of those lines I had to go back and listen to multiple times while somewhere on I-65 in the northern half of Indiana, Eric Foner speculates...
Ta-Nehisi Coates continues to wonder about the relationships between and among war, tragedy, and justice: There’s a hazy line between my posts arguing that the Civil War wasn’t tragic, and my posts on the 30 Years War. The key dilemma I’m...
While Confederate women and civilians pressured their sons, husbands, brothers, and fellow-citizens into fighting, those men, like one lieutenant wrote, “asked himself the question: What is this all about? Why is it that 200,000...