Tagged: books
Sunday Morning! “The Faraway Nearby”
On Rebecca Solnit’s 2013 collection of interwoven, digressive, personal essays about the stories we tell to make our way through life with each other.
Tenshot: The Three Body Problem Trilogy
I recently read this trilogy by Chinese science fiction author Cixin Liu
Sunday Morning! “Constellation of Genius”
About an extremely readable day book for 1922, a year in which culture changed absolutely.
Sunday Morning! “Killing Commendatore” by Haruki Murakami
On the most recent tour of Haruki Murakami’s imagination and an exploration of artistic creation itself.
The Ordinary Bookclub makes its Triumphant Return with Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
Yes, it’s fanfic. No, you won’t mind.
Forgiveness is Divine
The weirdest thing about forgiveness is that in the end it really isn’t about the person you’re forgiving, it’s about you.
Sunday Morning! J.G. Ballard’s Shopping Maul
Rereading J.G. Ballard’s final novel about consumers who turn to absentminded fascism when shopping loses its appeal.
Ashes in the Wind
Can two people set aside their differences and under the influences of hormones and hearts, live happily ever after?
The Twilight Zone
Everything you ever wanted to know about women, you can learn from reading “Twilight”.
Book Notes: French Romantic Travel Writing (2012)
I can attest that this a truly fascinating subject and book because I’ve also written a book on something very closely related.
#IndependentBookstoreDay is upon. After a week in which Amazon, a main force is the decline of bookstores announced their quarterly profits, the independent-minded bibliophiles now have their day. Or at least, one day.
The White House Mess
Michael Wolff’s The Fire and the Fury is the talk of the town and certainly the book of the moment.
Morning Ed: Arts & Entertainment {2017.09.25.M}
The Christmas status of Die Hard, Rachel and Joey, the alleged villain of Titanic, and other age-old entertainment debates.
Notes on “Eating Animals”
On the book “Eating Animals” by Jonathan Safran Foer and the act of eating animals.