Linky Friday: Sowing Seeds, Reaping Whirlwinds Edition
Linky Friday is the Ordinary Times tradition of ending the week with stories and viewpoints from around the world and across the web
Linky Friday is the Ordinary Times tradition of ending the week with stories and viewpoints from around the world and across the web
The monthly “Child Tax Credit” payments plan from the March stimulus package are going out to parents this week.
The Trump vendetta ride against anyone and everyone he perceives to have slighted him continues apace, now featuring Brett Kavanaugh
In practice, “us vs them” makes everything you believe is good and true, while everything the opposition favors is scum of the earth evil
President Trump sues Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to restoration of his accounts and overturn Section 230
Get the UK POV on the latest in American culture and politics from our friend Ben Harris who works in politics and parliament in London
Politicians lie and do so purposefully. Lying is the coin of the realm. And the lies just snowball.
The long-awaited results of a Manhattan grand jury have come for the Trump Organization, with long-time CFO Allen Weisselberg indicted
Infrastructure Week! is back. No, no, I’m not talking about what’s going on in the U.S. Senate. That’s not Infrastructure Week!
None of these election ideas are new. You have likely heard of all three of them. The key is putting them together to make a cohesive whole.
The Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax concept seems designed to alienate virtually every side of the political spectrum. So how would it work?
Andrew Breitbart had one super-duper famous quote a lot of people seem to misinterpret: Politics is downstream from culture.
The State Board of Education has voted and the Florida Critical Race Theory amendment has became law, restricting it from public school instruction.
Developing virtues should be a prerequisite to political engagement and are vastly more important than jumping into any ‘culture war’ battle
In the digital age, it is easier than ever for a candidate like Andrew Yang to take the attention of a presidential race to further their own ends
On this episode of Spheres of Influence podcast our friend Dennis Sanders contests “Hope is something that is missing from American politics”.
Republicans current situation is too easy. Trump has cultivated a base that will remain competitive in every election he participates in.
The first episode of Heard Tell with Andrew Donaldson features Ordinary Times contributor Genya Coulter discussing elections
The Senate vote to adopt a House measure to create a bipartisan January 6th Commission has failed by a vote of 54-35.
The House of Representatives passed a measure to create a January 6th Commission to investigate the capitol riot that invaded that very chamber