Danchenko Indictment: Read It For Yourself
A primary source for the infamous “Steele dossier” is up on charges, as the Danchenko indictment once again brings questions about the 2016 election.
A primary source for the infamous “Steele dossier” is up on charges, as the Danchenko indictment once again brings questions about the 2016 election.
The president has not changed in the least bit over the last eight months. We have no new information…The only thing that changed is that we are mad.
“Victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan.” So for Harsh Your Mellow Monday let us talk about some of those orphans of failure.
Join the Ordinary Times Commentareum in following the latest House Judiciary Committee hearings in the impeachment process
Roger Stone was found guilty on all 7 chargeshe faced in his Washington, DC trial.
The first public hearings in House Democrats’ Impeachment inquiry are set to kick off today in the House Intelligence Committee.
So, what’s the purpose of primaries anyway? Are they a process by which a political party selects its nominees, or is a function of the overall US election system?
Fact checking, as practiced today, falls wildly short of its ideals
With one of the most unpredictable presidential campaigns looming on the horizon for 2020, one thing will certainly be different from the 2016 version: the Democratic nominee will set foot in Wisconsin.
Her public image is the worst of any losing presidential candidate since at least Gerald Ford.
The civil rights party realignment didn’t really happen until 2008.
True, Hillary Clinton received roughly 2.9 million more votes that Trump. But she didn’t get the most votes either.
Nobody did. Nobody also won the electoral college in a landslide.
If the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he isn’t real, the GOP’s greatest trick is convincing working Americans that literally destroying the federal government is in their best interests.
Parting thoughts on the former next Madame President. (Or: I listened to 16 hours of Hillary Clinton so you don’t have to.)
Trump’s campaign hats are why Trump won
A look at the trials and tribulations of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.