The Persistence of Myth
In which Presidential peccadilloes, parables of patrimony, and persuasive proof pool to peer into a prosaic psyche.
In which Presidential peccadilloes, parables of patrimony, and persuasive proof pool to peer into a prosaic psyche.
Student-led inquiry of controversial topics has its pitfalls, but it should be at the heart of implementing the Common Core curriculum.
“Grant arrived at his operational vision through perceptual speed and a ‘gift of historic imagination,’ that enabled him to ‘take in at a glance the whole field of war, to form a correct opinion of every suggested and possible…campaign, their logical order and sequence, their relative value, and the interdependence of one upon the other.'”
A brief gloss of the complex intellectual and spiritual harmony between the Founders and the Quakers.
The Republican Party is not the American Whig Party, but its successes–and eventual failure–offer some useful lessons worth considering.
World governance is something no serious thinker would today endorse. This is unfortunate, because world government is the only hope for the long-term survival of the human race.
In a sense, it is the perfect speculative fiction novel, even as it pays unspoken homage to a similarly-themed book by very different authors from thirty-eight years ago.
Formal equality is insufficient. Yet actual equality will be more difficult to achieve than most progressives realize, says James Vonder Haar.
One of Burt Likko’s greatest hits, offered in celebration of #judicialreviewday.
As with music, politics, and American society in general, in baseball the 60s don’t really begin until halfway through through the decade. 1960 What’s the most dramatic play in baseball? A walk-off home run....
Could Abraham Lincoln really have sidestepped the entire American Civil War by using the government’s power of property condemnation to buy all of the slaves in the South and then free them?