US Military Will Mandate The COVID-19 Vaccine For All Active Duty Personnel
In a move that was inevitable, the US military will mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for all troops by the middle of September.
In a move that was inevitable, the US military will mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for all troops by the middle of September.
A Federal Judge has issued a preliminary injunction against Florida “Vaccine Passport Ban” setting the stage for a prolonged legal wrangling over the hot button issue.
Social media and television have magnified the anti-vaxers and have distorted who makes up the unvaccinated
In 1905 the Supreme Court held that government has a right to mandate vaccinations. So, would Jacobson hold up to a Covid-19 vaccine mandate?
I am going to ask folks nicely: please please stop putting out COVID vaccine numbers like this. Without context, it is absolutely meaningless
Are the recent reports of young people getting pericarditis from COVID-19 vaccine a reason to stop vaccinating them? Let’s take a look at the risks involved.
Administered vaccination rates for Covid-19 have fallen by two-thirds from their April peak, imperiling the goal of 70% vaccinated nationwide.
Leave it to a Florida concert promoter to find an end around to a Ron DeSantis executive order requiring Covid-19 vaccination proof
After a year of evidence, the claim that you must choose between saving the economy and stopping the virus is simply not true.
No, promoting vaccinations are not in “violation of the Nuremberg codes”. And I thought the willy-nilly invocation of HIPAA was bad.
The Washington Post has a timeline on the Wuhan lab-leak theory that the Covid-19 pandemic originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The big takeaway for me teaching this year has been that even in isolation, human connection is our greatest weapon in any sort of crisis
After a year and half of mask mandates, you don’t have some insightful hot take on Covid that no one has yet heard by now.
The CDC has managed to project this image of ineffectual communicators whose nerdspeak is poorly conveyed by a scientifically illiterate media.
With the Covid vaccine numbers going up, and unused doses starting to become an issue, questions are being asked of the Biden Administration
The CDC’s eviction moratortium has been been struck down by a federal judge as overreaching and beyond that department’s legal authority.
The FDA considers granting authorization for the Pfizer vaccine that is already in use for those 16 and up for children as young as 12.
We have asked the Global South to bear the brunt of nearly every crisis, from climate change to public health, but this is a chance to make some right calls.
The parallels between the sumptuary laws of old and the Covid restrictions of late are both revealing and instructive.
A perfect illustration of what Berenson and others have been doing: making wild COVID claims contradicted by the very documents they cite.