An Idiocy Sabbatical
I am entirely too upset and concerned with Kim Davis. The posturing and the special specialness of majority religionists claiming their loss of privilege to do exactly as they please, the law be damned, and politicians pandering to them to tell them that their beliefs make them specially special and grant them custom-carved exceptions to the law and it drives me up the freaking wall. I’m beginning to get actually angry about it even though it’s happening thousands of miles away and doesn’t affect me or anyone I know.
I am entirely too upset and concerned with Donald Trump. The whole Trump phenomenon is the distilled essence of what seems wrong with me about politics: it is not a political movement so much as a collective grunt of unfocused, inarticulate outrage. Sound bites for sound bites’ sake, with zero interest or care about public policy, government, or law. On a related notes, I can’t swing a dead cat around by its tail in my town without hitting someone who’s either going to tell me about how illegal immigrants are destroying America, much less go on the internet.
I am entirely too upset and concerned with our nation’s socio-political polarization. Then=Secretary Hillary Clinton used private e-mail because she found the official encrypted e-mail systems to be too cumbersome. She shouldn’t have done that. Ought this disqualify her from being President? Obviously not. Is it a crime? Hell if I know, that’s something I need to leave to the kinds of people who investigate and prosecute such matters. How upset should I be about it? Hell if I know. I do know that the fact that it’s Hillary Clinton means that pretty much everyone, on both sides of the aisle, goes a little bit cray-cray about it and it’s functionally impossible to find a useful perspective from which to start even gathering facts.
I see cops shoot black folks for no apparent reason. That’s utterly outrageous. Then, there’s a rash of shootings on cops coincident with acts of disrespect towards entirely innocuous cops. So now we’re in the middle of a race war against the police? Of course not — but that’s what it seems like online. And then I get people asking me if #blacklivesmatter is engaged in criminal incitement to violence. Argh! I need to get away from this!
These are not issues that are going to go away soon. Well, the Kim Davis thing probably will go away soon, and there’s an off-chance that Trump will flame out but it appears that won’t happen until there are actual elections. And it won’t be getting better on its own: that’s not why I’m doing what I’m doing.
They are also not issues that indicate the imminent downfall of the Republic, the collapse of our society or the deterioration of the rule of law, or the inexorable transformation of our society into either an overweening totalitarianism nor a soulless oligarchy nor a reversion to some Hobbesian State of Nature. Or, maybe they are, in which case it’s already too fishing late and I need to spend my time stocking up on ammunition, bouillon, and canned food, instead of blogging about it.
No, I need to spend more of my free time with my five-iron and my brewkettle. A state of heightened anxiety about everything on the Intertubes by seemingly everyone on the Intertubes is bad for my blood pressure. This is bad for my mental health and my ability to sustain focus in civic affairs. It takes up a lot of mental space and energy to think about this stuff. It’s bad for my professional life.
The word “idiot” comes from classical Greek. The Greek root word “idio-” means something individual, personal, private, and distinct. An “idiotes” before the age of Pericles was “a person who holds no public office.” (In the age of Pericles, an “idiotes” meant “someone who wasn’t smart enough to realize you really need to start making friends with Pericles,” but that’s a different story.) Albert Breton wrote, in his 2003 text Rational Foundations of Democratic Politics, about idiocy:
The etymology of idiot is that of private person, someone who does not participate in public affairs; gradually the word also acquired the connotation of someone who is incapable of participating in public affairs, and that was the meaning that passed through Latin into many modern European languages. Though the evolution of language as everything else involves many accidents, there is enough correlation between the two meanings to make us pause. Erasing perhaps the temporary blip of Enlightenment thought, we could become, if we are not already, idiots in both senses, and of course we wouldn’t know it.
Seems like the vast bulk of people who are “talking politics” are idiots in both this meaning of the word — they are incapable of participating in public affairs in any meaningful sense — and the more common definition — they give the distinct impression of suffering from a profound lack of intellectual capacity.

Image by Internet Archive Book Images
And I can feel that it’s starting to push me towards idiocy myself. Certainly I can feel myself becoming more immoderate, less charitable, less patient, more frustrated. Actually angry. And I find myself wanting to respond to mind-bogglingly stupid quips with snark and quips of my own. I don’t like this. Even a tiny little bit. It isn’t how I want to be. And I need to get away from what’s inspiring it so I can better control it, better be who I aspire to be. While I deeply enjoy observing public affairs and commenting on them and sharing opinions and maybe being persuaded and maybe persuading others about them, I’m finding that my bites frequently come along with a pungent dose of venom which I must consciously dial back before I hit the “post” button, both here and elsewhere.
Now, sort of like the way Jack felt about Ennis, I can’t hardly quit doing what I do, being who I am. I know full well that I’m never going to purge an interest in public affairs out of my mind. But I can take step back. Take a breath. Meditate. Focus on other things in my physical and intellectual life. My Catholic friends and co-workers observe Lent, a time when they temporarily sacrifice something from their lives and instead focus on their faith and spirituality. I lack belief in the supernatural, but I see a value in disrupting a routine, getting out of a rut, stepping away for a time before getting back in.
There’s value in that.
For the next sixty days, I shall endeavor to avoid concerning myself with issues of politics and public affairs that are not directly connected to my professional life. I shall endeavor not to write about, read, nor comment about people who are running for President, people making political spectacles of themselves, people expressing anxiety about some random person doing some random act that doesn’t affect them directly anyway but is somehow cosmically offending in a generalized sort of way.
If it affects me, personally, immediately, then I shall worry about it. Otherwise, it gets sent off to the mental “deferred action” box.
This will be an exercise in willpower, at least at first. The magnetic pull of public issues is like heroin to the addict. But when it’s over, I’ll still have an entire year to enjoy the Presidential election. That’s plenty. I won’t be missing any of the Iowa caucuses, New Hampshire, anything like that. And maybe I’ll start to recover some of my patience and cool.
But for two months, I’ll be thinking about picking which running backs I want for my fantasy football team, finding music to listen to and video games to play. There are recipes to cook and beer to brew, dogs to walk, and lawsuits to take to trial. And I’ll just let people calm the fish down about gay people being all gay and enjoying the same equal rights that us straight folks do, realize that the murder-of-police-officers rate is really no different now than it is any other time, realize that I’m not going to solve systemic racism by writing comments on a blog, and kind of not worry so much about how much float I get on the dollars-to-Euros currency exchange.
These problems will still be there in sixty days. I can write about them then. Or, they’ll have been solved. In which case, nature abhors a vacuum and I shall see what rushes in to fill it.
But I need to step out of the maelstrom for a little while and cool out. Y’all have fun, I’ll be back before you know it. I’ll probably be writing about music and food and movies and other non-political cultural stuff between now and then. Sixty days worth of stepping away from trying to solve all of the world’s problems is not all that selfish. Just a little bit.
Meanwhile, play nice here when you talk about public affairs. Namaste.
Burt Likko is the pseudonym of an attorney in Southern California and the managing editor of Ordinary Times. His interests include Constitutional law with a special interest in law relating to the concept of separation of church and state, cooking, good wine, and bad science fiction movies. Follow his sporadic Tweets at @burtlikko, and his Flipboard at Burt Likko.
I hope you can make an exception for the OT prime minister elections…Report
I nominated Jerry Brown in that phase of things. I was a Brown man then, I’m a Brown man now. Brown for Prime Minister! The time is now for pragmatic competence!Report
Are you a betting man, counselor?Report
Are you saying that you don’t think I can be an idiot for sixty days? Thank you. Nevertheless, I shall try.Report
FWIW, I think you can be an idiot for much longer than that.
Boom…walked right into that
Well, I was thinking in terms of not responding to idiocy for 60 days. Some time back, I made a somewhat less public oath not to do something here on the site. That lasted about 30 days (a period which changed my perspective on at least one thing for the better). This is a good time to do it, too: football has just started, the SCOTUS hasn’t come back to town yet, etc.
I should keep a paraphrase of Grandpa Cain in mind more often: think twice, post once.Report
“An Idiocy Sabatical” sounds like you’re going to spend the better part of a year immersed in idiocy, not eschewing it. Just sayin’Report
I have to agree with @kolohe. “An Idiotic Sabbatical” better explains the thought, in my humble opinion.Report
Good luck to you.Report
Don’t drag the Iggster into this.Report
Yeah, dude. Right on. Get in touch with your individual, personal, private distinctness. Gonna miss ya posting on the upcoming Trump v Hillary v Cruz v Kim Davis Cagematches, but that seems like a small price to pay to get reacquainted with your inner idiot.Report
I’m seeing a hazy picture that looks like Don Draper sitting cross legged on a craggy NorCal coast.Report
Let us know what it’s like spending all of two months the way the vast majority of Americans spend almost all of their time.
ETA: Only sort of being snarky here.Report
I spent yesterday avoiding being selected for a jury, and it was a nice reality check to hear people without strong opinions about the justice system.Report
Switch to a 5 wood, or better yet, 19 oz. of hardwood with an Irish linen grip used to crack an 8-ball into a carom side pocket!
Good luck councilor.Report
My five wood is broken. The shot always curves off to the right sharply.Report
You’re quitting on it and trying to hit the the ball on the upswing to get it up into the air. Head down, extend your right hand/arm all the way through impact, and the club face will take care of getting the ball up.Report
I know this, yet keeping my head down and my arm straight is far, far too difficult.
So it must be the club. No other explanation is reasonable.Report
A golf swing that allows reproducible results is perhaps the most unnatural overall motion in sports. I quit playing because it was too frustrating that my aging joints wouldn’t allow me to do it properly.Report
Hmm. I do something weird with my wrists. I play rarely, so when I do it takes me 7 or 8 holes to remember WHAT I should do with my wrists (or shouldn’t) and then another 4 or 5 holes to fix it, and then by the time I hit the 18th I’m ready to move onto the next problem.
All i know is that for the first 9, if I hit the ball, it’s gonna end up somewhere in the weeds on the right.Report
I have a friend who plays scratch at the Olympic club in the bay. His advice was always to put your feet together at the driving range, and I mean lock them up. THEN try all the Dave Peltze nonsense, the Chichi story s***. Nothing will force you to actually pay attention like that.
I would rather shoot 15 and 1 against Minnesota…
(I never hated golf like I hated billiards and thus never bothered to get good at it.)Report
The entire state of the world makes me wonder if some sort of gatekeeper function is needed for large and diverse democracies.Report
The term for the guy who worked the gated barrier separating the judges from the public was “Chancellor”.Report
I meant more in terms of a media system that determines what is or what is not acceptable public discourse. There were always fanzines on the liberal and conservative, or left or right, sides for people with really far out opinions but during the height of the Cold War, the media establishment strove to keep opinion within certain acceptable parameters. Now everybody is free to let their ID run wild with few repercussions.Report
Well, how’s this? You tell me (and Maribou) what you plan on watching and/or reading and/or playing this week, and we’ll tell you what you shouldn’t have had access to in the first place and you can then take it off your list.
Or are you more hoping for a list of acceptable media and you can pick and choose for anything off of that list?Report
I would just like to note that when Jaybird told me about what he said to LeeEsq without even giving me any context, my first reaction was, “Dude, that’s not how I roll.” #librarianlife #not1905anymoreReport
Back in the days when newspapers were the primary means of info distribution (and carried further when the 30 min newscast per day was the tv news) there where such persons they were called editors. There was only so many column inches or seconds for news and the editor decided which stories got the resources. Today the newspaper is infinite in size and 24 hour tv news has the inverse problem of more time than stories.
I sometimes wonder how it would be to have news delivered weekly only how many of the stories we see would remain then?Report
In related news, Survivor is suing Huckabee for unauthorized use of Eye Of The Tiger during Davis release.
Good luck with your sabbatical, counselor!Report
Damn you!
/ shakes fist while scowling /
I wrote my fishing law review article on exactly that subject! (Sided with the artist.)Report
I stand with TNR. (Even though I thought the use of that song was pathetic.)Report
What other property rights should liberals not be allowed to enforce against conservatives?
Good old “Even the liberal New Republic…”Report
What’s interesting to me is that the TNR is not really the TNR of old. The whole “New Leaf we’re not those old racist bastards” thing. But they do have a string of slightly more idiosyncratic stuff. So not sure…Report
Jury’s still out, but this is exactly in the mold of “Even the liberal New Republic criticizes liberal musicians for complaining when their songs are used by conservative politicians.”
If the debate gets enough traction, maybe someone like David Brooks will churn out a column with exactly that sentence.Report
Thing is, Newt got sued by Survivor a few years back for something similar. Settled out of court, but you’d think Huckabee would know about this.Report
The TNR view is a bit of “rockers shouldn’t politicize music, so let politicians use songs for political purposes.” They are using songs at political rallies to create the energy and mood they want for a good rally. That is political. I don’t blame artists for not wanting their songs used by people they don’t support.Report
What I would do is have a standard, published rate for letting my song be used at a political rally. Say $150k.
Some politicians get to pay the rate, some get an in-kind contribution to their campaign.Report
R.E.M. are all over Trump and Cruz for using “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” at their Stop the Iran Deal rally yesterday.Report
This is a sidebar, but I saw an article analyzing Spotify data, and talking about how bands that are on the streaming services are staying in the popular youth consciousness (apparently “Smells Like Teen Spirit” continues to get listened to, all the time) while bands that did not license their music to them (like Pearl Jam and R.E.M., who have always been very restrictive in the outside use of their music) are fading from popular view.
This ties into my bewilderment not too long ago that R.E.M. seems largely-unknown now to younger people, despite being one of the biggest bands on the planet at one time.
It will be interesting to see which strategy pays off in the long run. For many years Led Zeppelin were similarly adamant that their music not be used for other marketing purposes (IIRC the Doors were similar?) and eventually that exclusivity conferred its own mystique that seemed to bolster the bands’ reps and catalogues.Report
Is REM not on Spotify? They’re on Rhapsody.
Fun fact: The title of a couple of their songs were considered for the name of the blog that became Hit Coffee. I was listening to a lot of REM on Rhapsody at the time.Report
Huh, I just checked Spotify and R.E.M. are there. Let me see if I can find the article.Report
As is Pearl Jam. Boy howdy, I got that article wrong, no idea how that happened. I guess I picked the wrong week to start sniffing glue.
Here it is:
I would kindly ask that you sniff glue on the right weeks in the future. Thank you in advance.Report
Is there a calendar? I want to rotate my vices regularly to ensure I don’t get hooked.Report
Burt, do you think it would be better if they had limits on campaign season? In Singapore, campaigning is only over 9 days. Today is cooling off day, so no rallies today and tomorrow is polling day. Of course nothing prevents you from revealing the candidate before nomination or for the candidate to work the ground before then. Only no political rallies.Report
That’s an interesting question. In Canada, campaigns are shorter but not limited by law. The campaign starts when parliament is dissolved, so they can’t go on too long because someone should be running the country most of the time (and the constitution required parliament to sit once every 12 months).
One unfortunate effect at least lately is that the party in power starts early by spending public money on transparently partisan ads before calling the election, after which point they can only use their own money.
The thing that probably helps keep our elections short of spending limits. There’s no advantage to a long election of you can’t spend money on advertising.Report
Dude. Don’t tempt me like that. I’ve only just begun this thing.Report
Ah Burt, you are now only just realizing the true beauty of ignoring much of society. Just let it go. I was where you are a while back. Withdraw. Build the walls of the fortress of solitude and don’t come out. Allow only those worthy to enter. Allow what will happen eventually to come about. Continue to hope that if you survive, the world will be a better place, because if it isn’t, well, you won’t live much longer after realizing it, so either way, it’s all good.
No one cares, why should you?Report
After 24 hours, I’ve seen and been tempted by many headlines and plenty of bait offered here by y’all. So far, no articles clicked on or read. It’s fortunate that I have football as a distraction.Report
Who is this Donald Trump person you speak of?Report
Tom Brady’s pal. Hey @burt-likko you should do a post about Tom Brady because football.Report
That topic just sucks all the air out of the room.Report
I missed the draft again!Report
“The Complete Idiot’s Guide to ____” book series makes a lot more sense to me now.Report