So, what’d I miss?

Tod Kelly

Tod is a writer from the Pacific Northwest. He is also serves as Executive Producer and host of both the 7 Deadly Sins Show at Portland's historic Mission Theatre and 7DS: Pants On Fire! at the White Eagle Hotel & Saloon. He is  a regular inactive for Marie Claire International and the Daily Beast, and is currently writing a book on the sudden rise of exorcisms in the United States. Follow him on Twitter.

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30 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    Kazzy’s a frontpager, Sam gave us step-by-step instructions on how to season a cast iron skillet, and Burt announced the Democracy Symposium.Report

    • Anne in reply to Jaybird says:

      you forgot to mention the zombies.

      Glad you had a great trip TodReport

      • Mark Thompson in reply to Anne says:

        I think that’s all a pretty good summation.

        ‘Twas awesome having the aforementioned beers with you, my friend. As for your observations about Northeasterners and rain, I can’t say that you’re wrong. But I can say that if you thought that NY and New England were bad on that front, just wait until you’re in DC next month. There is no place on the planet where even a hint of the mildest bit of inclement weather causes as much panic and fear as it does in the DC metropolitan area.

        ….And yes, getting directions in the Northeast is an invitation to debate. Whenever The Wife and I are leaving my in-laws house near Philly, if we’re going somewhere other than home, we need to leave an extra 15 minutes for the argument that is sure to ensue over how best to advise how to get to whatever destination it is we are going; this advice, of course, is never sought in this day of GPS, but that doesn’t stop it from being given.Report

    • Tod Kelly in reply to Jaybird says:

      I’m hoping that Kazzy writing up top means we’ll have more sports posts that before.Report

  2. Miss Mary says:

    We had absolutely wonderful weather in Oregon while you were away.Report

  3. Mr. Blue says:

    Has Texas succeeded?

    It depends on what you’re looking at. Texas succeeds at some things, but not others.Report

  4. Kazzy says:

    I’m going to bookmark this page.Report

  5. Michael Drew says:

    Wherever I went in the world, however off the grid, incommunicado for however long, personally there’s one thing I would never think to doubt for a moment: that Texas is succeeding while I am doing other things. At least, certain parts of it. Spectacularly.Report

  6. Danny Boyle showed the world that Britain’s new image for the 21st century will be “The Most Confusing Place on Earth.”Report

  7. Will says:

    ” The disparaging reputation New Yorkers have in Middle America is, I think, a by-product of Middle Americans not spending any time in New York. ”

    I think there’s a great deal of truth in that. In fact, I think a lot of middle-america have opinions about NYC which are based in either (a) their imaginations, or (b) hollywood.

    I grew up in NYC, and now that I don’t live there anymore I tend to get the following comments rather frequently:
    (a) I’m nicer than anyone expected.
    (b) I don’t talk like someone out of Goodfellas.
    (c) I don’t swear as much as they expect.

    I also think that the rest of America spends a lot more time thinking about what NYC thinks about them, then NYC actually does. The first time I ever heard the phrase “fly-over country” stated by a real person (and not on cable news) was on the Idaho/Wyoming border by an Alaskan who asked me what I was doing there. (Answer: skiing) I have never heard a NY’er use the phrase except ironically.
    Similarly, I once found myself in a very one-sided heated debate with a girl from Kansas. We were both living in DC at the time and she was convinced that as a NY’er I must have strong negative opinions about Kansas. Actually, not really. My mother was born there, I once had to go there on a work trip, and I’ve driven across it–it’s flat. That’s about it. She was convinced that I had to harbor some sort of evil or negative thoughts about Kansas. But my thoughts about Kansas are the same as my thoughts about Ottowa — it’s somewhere I’m not, and perhaps I’ll visit someday.

    If anything, I think there’s a factor wherein smaller communities imagine a rivalry or something similar with NYC in an effort to boost their own internal standing. When I lived in DC it was common for DC folks to ask me what I thought about “the BIG rivalry.”
    “What big rivalry?”
    “You know, the rivalry between DC and NYC as the best city on the east coast.”
    “You think there’s a rivalry?!”Report

    • Ryan Noonan in reply to Will says:

      What I think people also don’t really consider is the extent to which people in New York aren’t from there. Obviously, a lot of New Yorkers have been New Yorkers their whole lives (especially on Long Island), but it’s a huge cosmopolitan metropolis. A lot of people in New York grew up in so-called flyover country. Why on earth would they have these horrible stereotypical feelings about it?

      I mean, I live in DC. And I know a lot more people who are from my home state (Michigan) than are from the District, Maryland, and Virginia combined.Report

  8. Kyle Cupp says:

    I woke up this morning wondering where you’ve been, Tod. Okay, there was some time passed and a few sips of coffee between the two, but, truly, very glad to have you back.Report

  9. Dan Miller says:

    You really are a westerner. No east coaster would ever say “the 373”.Report

    • Don Zeko in reply to Dan Miller says:

      But are you a true east coaster? I assume that real people drop the “the” and simply say “take 373” or “there’s traffic on 158, you’ve got to get to bypass 40.” Is that what you had in mind?Report

    • Patrick Cahalan in reply to Dan Miller says:

      This is a thing, in California.

      You can recognize a Northern Californian from a Southern Californian instantly by asking them directions. If they say, “Get on 5 and go north to 105”, they’re from Northern California. If they say, “Get on the 134 and take it to the 2”, they’re from Southern California.

      I now have to say I’m from Southern California, ’cause I don’t talk like a NoCal-er no’ mo’.

      Also: if you ever want to get into a discussion about how to get from here to there, there is *no other place on the planet* that will result in more discussion than the Los Angeles basin and adjacent communities.Report

    • Plinko in reply to Dan Miller says:

      In all the places I’ve lived, one cannot reasonably use the indefinite article with directions and expect to be understood at all.

      There will be several streets, roads and highways with the same name, so one needs to explain the street/roads/avenues/courts/boulevard/court/places as well as county/state/US/interstate highways.

      Georgia is probably a lot worse than Wisconsin in this regard.Report

  10. Rufus F. says:

    H-degger is a frontpager now. It’s sort of weird.Report

  11. I too am just returning from New England. And like you, I was in places so far off the map there was no internet, nor one stick of cell service. Further, I was also catching up with family members not seen in years.

    You missed a spell of non-news, served up in a steaming pile from CNN. I write of Chick fil a, and what the MSM has coined the “Culture Wars.”

    But you also missed some notable news. Michael Phelps, after winning his 19th gold medal is now the most decorated olympian in modern history.

    Welcome back, and fair well in my city of Washington, D.C. when you visit.


    We don’t freak out when it rains.Report