Nob Akimoto

Nob Akimoto is a policy analyst and part-time dungeon master. When not talking endlessly about matters of public policy, he is a dungeon master on the NWN World of Avlis

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48 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    The schism can’t happen quickly enough, if you ask me.

    Go Tea Party!Report

  2. greginak says:

    This all the fault of liberals.Report

  3. Christopher Carr says:

    Was this meant to be ironic?

    “Disruptions began when he began accusing Democrats of still being the party of the Confederacy — a common talking point on the right.”Report

  4. BlaiseP says:

    Speaking of brawls, CPAC is a reg’lar three ring circus today.Report

  5. Will Truman says:

    For some reason, I was under the impression that Towson was an HBCU. That brought forth all sorts of interesting thoughts. But then I looked it up, and it’s 67% white and not an HBCU. Which brings forth rather uninteresting thoughts.Report

  6. zic says:

    Much ado about nothing.

    No ideas. No solutions. No vision. No future.

    Just ‘Not Obama,’ a spasm of negative space.

    It’s distressing that we watch them in their death throes like so many vultures circling.Report

    • trizzlor in reply to zic says:

      I would love to see some footage from CPAC right before the 2000 Republican sweep. It really wouldn’t surprise me if they looked just as crazy and out of touch in their ascendancy as they do in their decline. It’s like those old Soviet montage experiments: splice a neutral photo of a woman after footage from a tragedy and she looks melancholic; splice in the same photo after footage from a celebration and she looks proudly content.Report

    • Brandon Berg in reply to zic says:

      Fair enough, but it’s like you’ve completely forgotten the preceding eight years of “Not Bush.” Or that Obama ran on a promise of nonspecific “Change.” “Anyone but that guy!” has ever been the rallying cry of the party out of power.Report

  7. greginak says:

    Also see:
    “Rep. Kris Crawford, a Republican from Florence and also an emergency room doctor, supports the expansion but expects the Republican caucus to vote as a bloc against the Medicaid expansion.

    “The politics are going to overwhelm the policy. It is good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House right now, especially for the Republican Party,” Crawford said.”

  8. Tod Kelly says:

    Not only are CPAC conservatives pro-Europe, now they’re forming UNIONS?

    I just don’t know what to think anymore.Report

    • Nob Akimoto in reply to Tod Kelly says:

      But the whole “White Student Union” being an accepted group at Towson does explain why maybe the administrator though she needed armed guards….Report

      • trumwill mobile in reply to Nob Akimoto says:

        I don’t know how you would disallow such a group. Or doing so might be more trouble than it’s worth.Report

        • Guess I’m hoping against hope that there’d be something in the school regs about hate groups, etc.Report

          • I honestly don’t know a whole lot about the group. Maybe they should qualify as such. I kind of figured that they basically try to pass as a counterpart to other ethnic or racial student union groups.

            After writing the above, I recalled that the College Republicans were banned from my campus for a time. I don’t know why, but I *assume* it wasn’t just “Republicans are a hate group” rationale. I’d assume they crossed some sort of line.

            Which I guess is what it would come to with the WSU. What they were doing that they couldn’t half-credibly point to some other group doing the same thing. If that makes sense.Report

            • Well…

              Given this dude’s activities, I dunno…I can’t really…well yeah.

              Just can’t.Report

            • Shazbot5 in reply to Will Truman says:

              “I kind of figured that they basically try to pass as a counterpart to other ethnic or racial student union groups.”

              Student: Yeah, uh Dean Smith, uh we want to have a group that is just like the Vietnamese Student Union, except for White Students

              Dean: But aren’t you just trying to exclude non-whites for no reason other than racial hatred.

              Student: Not at all. We just want to make sure white people can get together to have an increased opportunity to meet other white people, whom compose the vast majority of the population already.

              Dean: If they’re the majority, don’t you meet them constantly? Why do you need a club to help white people meet other white people?

              Student: Uhhh.. really, what we mean to say is that we want a forum where we won’t meet non-white people.

              Dean: That’s a problem.

              Student. No, really we are just like the other race-based groups. We want to get together to share traditional white people experiences and cultures, like watching movies with white people in them about white people’s experiences, e.g. Transformers 2. After all, it’s hard to get people together these days to find time to remember white people culture, what with so few movies, books, Tv showsand what not focusing on non-white stuff. And we want to go to white people restaurants and try to make sure that young white people have an appreciation and knowledge of white people food, like pizza, beef, chicken, and dessert.

              Dean: Not looking so good. Isn’t an important difference the fact that the other -as you call them- “race-based” or cultural groups try to create support networks for students who are part of a minority who might, as a result, feel ostracized or alienated, especially if their family raised them in that culture and now they’re on their own?

              Student: I feel I am alienated from white culture on this vastly majority white campus and vastly majority white city.

              Dean: Go away please.Report

              • Glyph in reply to Shazbot5 says:

                Shaz: the student para focusing on white culture: awesome. “Pizza, beef, chicken and dessert” – the “dessert” sells it, somehow managing to be even more generic than the preceding list.Report

              • Roger in reply to Shazbot5 says:

                “Isn’t an important difference the fact that the other -as you call them- “race-based” or cultural groups try to create support networks for students who are part of a minority who might, as a result, feel ostracized or alienated, especially if their family raised them in that culture and now they’re on their own?”

                If we put aside the fact that this may be a racist front group, this seems to be the heart of the matter. At what point does a well intentioned group shift from being a constructive support network to being a negative, exclusionary force? Is it at 50%? Is it when they become the largest minority? Or is it always a matter of their intentions? Or are racial groupings all inherently racist?Report

              • Mike Schilling in reply to Roger says:

                If we put aside intentions, rhetoric, and actions. then, yes, they’re identical.Report

              • Roger in reply to Mike Schilling says:

                Are they really? I am surprised a liberal would argue that an all white cultural group is not inherently racist.Report

              • Kim in reply to Roger says:

                The SCA isn’t racist, Roger!Report

              • Mike Schilling in reply to Roger says:

                Yes, if we ignore any possible thing that could distinguish them, they’re the same.Report

            • Mark Thompson in reply to Will Truman says:

              Hate speech is still speech and Towson is still a public university so banning this group or not allowing it to form solely on the basis of its viewpoint-however noxious- would be a definite First Amendment issue.Report

          • Mike Schilling in reply to Nob Akimoto says:

            Jut because they love white people a lot doesn’t necessarily mean they hate mud people.Report

      • dhex in reply to Nob Akimoto says:

        “But the whole “White Student Union” being an accepted group at Towson does explain why maybe the administrator though she needed armed guards….”

        somehow i have trouble imagining towson is a hotbed of racialist violence.Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Nob Akimoto says:

        “But the whole “White Student Union” being an accepted group at Towson does explain why maybe the administrator though she needed armed guards….”

        Because the white folks there hate/fear people of color?Report

  9. Recovered Republican says:

    The longer I look through this creep’s blog the more I want to just throw up.

    Racism. Sexism. Anti-semitism. Wanting to challenge women who portray powerful roles in movies to “a fist fight.”

    This is far too common in the GOP an it’s why I gave up on them. Conservatism plays at pretending this stuff doesn’t exist rather than facing it head-on.Report

  10. Kazzy says:

    ““I don’t care how much the KKK improved,” he said. “I’m not going to join the KKK. The Democratic Party founded the KKK.””

    Hmmm… is he saying that he WOULD join the “improved” KKK were it not for the fact that it was started by the Democratic Party? Man… he hates liberals so much that he is willing to compromise his hate of the blacks to maintain it!Report