Congress Passes Massive $1.9 Trillion Covid Relief Bill

Andrew Donaldson

Born and raised in West Virginia, Andrew has been the Managing Editor of Ordinary Times since 2018, is a widely published opinion writer, and appears in media, radio, and occasionally as a talking head on TV. He can usually be found misspelling/misusing words on Twitter@four4thefire. Andrew is the host of Heard Tell podcast. Subscribe to Andrew'sHeard Tell Substack for free here:

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8 Responses

  1. North says:

    Whelp, it’s in the bag then. It’ll be fascinating to see how the impact shakes out over the next year.Report

    • JS in reply to North says:

      Hilariously, Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker has already gone on to take credit for the bill. He tweeted “Independent restaurant operators have won $28.6 billion worth of targeted relief.

      This funding will ensure small businesses can survive the pandemic by helping to adapt their operations and keep their employees on the payroll.”

      he voted against the bill.Report

      • North in reply to JS says:

        I chuckled at the chutzpah; but if GOP critters are starting to try and steal credit for it, that bodes well for the Dems messaging offensive on the bill for the future. It’ll be fascinating to see how this plays out, it’s basically an inverted-Obama strategy.Report

      • Philip H in reply to JS says:

        and he’s starting to get flayed for his hypocrisy in local social media outlets. I can’t wait until the local paper runs a story of this with his quote in it. Both he and our Trumpian Coastal Congressman are increasingly being branded RINO’s by the public down here. Its almost fun to watch.Report

  2. Swami says:

    Question… Would this have passed if one of the Georgia Senate seats had gone to a Republican? And would both seats have gone to Democrats if Trump hadn’t sucked all GOP vitality out of the race?

    Should Trump get at least some of the credit/blame for this bill?Report

    • JoeSal in reply to Swami says:

      Meh, 1.9T will be a bandaid for the inflation created by the disrupted supply chains. The local velocity of money will still be low as the M2 bump will not be generating viable production, just sustaining non-productive activity.

      The church of needs is addicted to crack and kidding themselves.Report

    • North in reply to Swami says:

      No, it wouldn’t have passed if the Senate was GOP majority controlled. As a matter of fact a $1.90 aid bill wouldn’t have passed the Senate were there a Democratic President in the Whitehouse and Mitch was in charge in the Senate.

      Trump gets zero credit for the bill from the non-right; It’s a Democratic bill written and shepherded into law by Democrats. He certainly is due much blame for the bill from the right as he pretty clearly played a contributing role in the GOP’s defeat in GA.Report