Thiessen: US Law Applies Most Outside of US
Arguing that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s (who is neither a US citizen nor a US resident) document dump on the War in Afghanistan is a criminal act (a violation of the Espionage Act and, possibly, material support for terrorists) requiring his prosecutionm, Marc Thiessen writes:
“Assange is a non-U.S. citizen operating outside the territory of the United States. This means the government has a wide range of options for dealing with him.”
This is quite the astounding claim Thiessen is making here. He is quite literally arguing that the power of the US government to prohibit the disclosure of information that it – and it alone – designates as sensitive is strongest when the person making the disclosure is neither an American citizen nor a resident of the US. Think about that for a moment. Then think about the cognitive dissonance involved in Thiessen simultaneously decrying the injustice of and impropriety of other countries’ attempts to pass “laws of universal jurisdiction.”
The message that Thiessen would like to send is quite clear: “the United States may pass laws of universal jurisdiction….and no one else; the law of the United States is binding on every single person in every single country in every corner of the globe.”
Perhaps I am overstating things a bit, though I don’t think so. Ask yourself, then, would we find it acceptable if China or Myanmar adopted the standard Thiessen proposes here? Would we be willing to cooperate if China demanded that we turn over an American journalist who – despite obtaining the information solely while sitting behind his home computer – wrote an article describing the location of Chinese political prisoners or the names and villages of secret police or some other set of information that the Chinese government deemed classified as a matter of their national security? Of course not – we would point to that thing we call the First Amendment and specifically to “freedom of the press”; we might also point out that our citizens cannot possibly be bound by the Chinese government’s system of classifying information.
The purpose here is not to compare the morality of the US’ actions in Afghanistan and the anti-dissident activities of the Chinese government. Instead, it’s merely to point out the absurdity of the suggestion that foreign citizens acting entirely within foreign jurisdictions are in some way legally bound by the censorship decisions of middle and low-level bureaucrats in the United States.
The fact is that whatever one may think of Assange’s actions, he is an individual who is bound by no oath of loyalty to the United States, has never willingly subjected himself to the laws of the United States in any material manner, and has not committed any acts of violence against any citizens or property of the United States.*
That Iceland, Belgium, Sweden, and other places where Assange operates are members of NATO is utterly irrelevant. While the US would certainly have a right to complain if these governments were themselves behind the disclosures, Assange is an individual with no affiliation with any of these governments. Moreover, saying that Assange operates in countries that are members in NATO is a far cry from saying that Assange operates in locations that are subservient to the United States government. NATO allies are not American states, whatever Thiessen and his ilk might wish to believe.
Making disclosure by a private American citizen of information the United States government’s bureaucrats deem classified a criminal act is a fairly clear infringement of free speech protections in the first place, even if it is an infringement that American courts have found permissible and necessary. But despite the many times that newspapers in the United States have published information deemed classified for national security purposes, there is not a single instance that I can find where the press organization was itself prosecuted under the Espionage Act, even if there are examples of the source himself being prosecuted thereunder.
If there is no real precedent for the prosecution of the domestic press itself for the publication of classified information, it is difficult to see how the United States would have the right to prosecute, much less demand the extradition of, a member of the foreign press for publishing such information. It is even less clear why the United States would have the right to dictate restrictions on free speech to allied, sovereign nations.
*I am aware of cases where foreign spies were prosecuted under the Espionage Act for activities occuring entirely outside the geographical boundaries of the United States. However, those cases are readily distinguishable as they involved actual state-sponsored espionage where the prosecuted person was ultimately arrested in the United States. US v. Zehe, 601 F. Supp. 196 (D. Mass. 1985). There are no cases of which I’m aware where publication of classified information by a media outlet, much less a foreign media outlet, gave rise to a prosecution under the Espionage Act.
If Thiessen thinks that any country, even allied ones, would accept this kind of behavior from the US then he’s madder than a monkey on a tricycle.Report
@North, What do you have against monkeys on tricycles? They always seem quite happy and well adjusted to me.Report
@Jonathan, I am fine with them in a zoo, but when they start purporting to drive foreign policy or justice then I object.Report
@North, I’ve never heard that one. I am familiar with “madder than a monkey trying to fuck a football” which, while evocative, you can’t really use in public unless you mention it in some sort of meta-discussion.Report
So would Thiessen waterboard Assange?Report
@ThatPirateGuy, Possibly, but with monkeys on tricycles you never know. Best not to turn your back.Report
To: Governor Gregoire, Washington State 8/1/2010
Subject: Racism and Child Abuse of Multi-Racial Child
Ms. Gregoire, Shayna is still in the care of her abuser’s. I’m not getting your help because, face it“ I am a Black Man“. I have served this country proudly over 20 years, in your eye‘s, I‘m still a Nigger! If I were white, I would have gotten Shayna months ago, you know it true. My grand-child, Shayna Krueger is being abused by Laura Anderson’s, in the home of her so called, “suitable placement,” because, Shayna is multi-racial she can‘t help that. My grand-child has been taken to Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital in Tacoma, WA. several times due to her elbow popping out of place several times. It was written that this was normal and the physician was able to pop it back in. I have discussed this matter with physicians and nurses in Ohio, they tell me that this is abuse. The physicians stated to me, Shayna’s arm is being jerked or forcefully pulled often for this to happen. The abuse should have been investigated the first time. I feel you’re ignoring me because of my color, please stop thinking like, Governor Wallace of Alabama. The Lord had made Shayna and I different, we can’t help that, no person of color can. Governor, please over look my color just this once and make my grand-child safe! I’m sick and tired of being treated as a second class citizen, because I’m Black. Child Protective Service’s, Hughie Dang, Kim Gabbard would help if I were White! Make my grand-child Safe, in the name of Jesus!! Please take her out of the abusive placement, tell them not to hurt her again.
Max Lawson
U.S Army RetiredReport
@Max, One word: lithium.Report
How would that effect this case if Assange was a government agent or Wikileaks was a foreign state-sponsored organization? Or a hybrid state-owned media such as the three major TV stations in Russia?
What happens of Voice of America sets up a Wikileaks-style datat-tump focused exclusively on Iranian government corruption? And offers a monetary reward?Report
Although those would be interesting situations possibly meriting different actions or interpretations, that is not the case here. It’s pretty clear that this is an individual who is not in the employ of a foreign government, acting on foreign soil, and has not attacked the United States.Report
@puddleoftheforest, My question wasn’t rhetorical, I fully understand the ridiculousness of Thiessan’s point, but I’m curious how these laws are going to apply in this kind of “new media” espionage particularly as the line between media and government becomes blurred.Report
@trizzlor, Even if they were a foreign government employee, if they did it in the state that sponsored them the US could just fume and rage uselessly, unless they wanted to take the government in question down. The idea that the US has extraterritorial laws that apply to non us citizens or permant residents is absurd. About all the US can do is to put a warrant out so that if the folks try to enter the us the get picked up.
After all Treason is in the eye of the victor. From the British point of view Nathan Hale was a traitor. Just like from that point of view Benedict Arnold was a hero. To the victor belongs the ability to tag participants.Report
I don’t know if he’s saying their power is stronger outside the U.S.- I would though be very curious to know what this “wide range of options” consists of in reality.Report
@Rufus, The only way I can interpret his saying that the fact that the guy is neither a US citizen nor operating in the US means that the US has a “wide range” of options is if he is implying that the US would have something less than a “wide range” of options were the facts otherwise.Report
@Mark Thompson, ah, okay. I can see that.Report
@Mark Thompson, I think he is indeed suggesting precisely that. This is the same Mark Thiessen who, you must recall, has argued that, when lawyers agree to represent Gitmo detainees, they are providing material support to terrorists. It seems pretty clear to me that Thiessen views the laws of the United States as a nuisance and an unnecessary obstacle to the Very Important Work of letting the hawks do whatever they wants.Report
Thiessen, a loyal defender of U.S. global power.Report
Given that Thiessen is a big defender of torture and the whole unitary executive concept, I just assumed that he meant that the government could have Assange assassinated (which it couldn’t do if he was a US citizen on US soil, unless I missed one more depressing step in our march away from civil liberties).Report
@Dan Miller, Obama’s allowed to have US citizens assassinated. Whether he can do it while they’re on US soil, I don’t know.Report
Does the same problem apply to counterterrorism laws passed by the U.S. under which we prosecute (some) of those we accuse of plotting attacks against the U.S. — but who do no part of that plotting in the United States?Report
The first thing to understand about Thiessen is that he is not a lawyer, he does not understand the Constitution, federal law, or treaty obligations. In other words, he possesses the same knowledge and wisdom to discuss such things as my plumber does. Only Patrick is probably a better writer than Thiessen.Report
@B-Rob, Zing!Report