What Would Freud Think of This: Golf Edition
I guess this is inevitable, but seriously FoxSports WTF? Do you have to headline Tiger Woods’ round of golf today as: “Turned On: Tiger Works His Mojo To Climb Into Contention.” Seriously? I followed the link into the piece which is titled: “Tiger Woods surges into contention“. The second line tells us about his “sloppy bogeys.” Lord Almighty, how many more sexual euphemisms can we, er….ram into this article Foxsports? I mean why not just call it Round 3 of The US Open: Tiger Woods Hit That.
Uh, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Jeez!Report
@Mike Farmer, Wait, who said that? It was Bill Clinton, right?
(just kidding)Report
“A woman is only a woman, but a a hefty drive is a slosh.” — P. G. WodehouseReport
Fox? Less than classy? When discussing a man of color? Good God!Report
Sexual euphemisms aren’t exactly uncommon in sports article titles/highlights. Tiger being Tiger in Tiger’s current circumstances does make it seem all the more ridiculous, but I think that’s just illustrated by the perspective; the underlying ridiculousness is what it is, regardless of the particular sports figure. That said:
“I mean why not just call it Round 3 of The US Open: Tiger Woods Hit That.”
I’d totally watch that, just because the title would be so over-the-top it crosses from the ridiculous to the hilarious.Report