Monthly Archive: August 2020
Joe Biden Puts a Bow on the 2020 DNC
The Joe Biden acceptance speech concludes the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Watch and discuss it here.
The Political, Contested Thing of Crime and Consequences
What counts as a “crime” in our society is a political, contested thing. It always has been and always will be. So too are the consequences
Weekend Plans Post: School Daze
School days, school days
Dear old golden rule days
Reading and writing’ and rithmetic
Taught to the tune of the hickory stick
Bannon and Kolfage, When the Walls Fell
The subtle genius of “Hey, there is a huge pile of $20 million dollars in a very high profile setting, let’s go steal that!!!”
Briefly, About Good Cops And Bad Cops
A funny thing happened yesterday: Ujiri’s legal team released bodycam footage that did not show what Strickland claimed it did.
Wednesday Writs: Women’s Suffrage Turns 100
President Trump pardoned Susan B. Anthony, a federally convicted criminal. Her crime, officially, was violating The Enforcement Act of 1870.
A Few Things To Consider Before Crowning Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris is now set up with advantages few politicians enjoy. But while looking good on paper, real world challenges are coming.
Heavenly! Charles Avison
After first hearing this thoroughly lovely piece, I was surprised to learn that it was written by Charles Avison, an English composer I’d never heard of.
The Worst Year
The old order has been shown for the lie it was. Putting things back the way they were is effectively impossible, and a new path forward must be made.
After the Fire
NeverTrumpers have to ask themselves an important question: what will they do come November 4th? What happens when and if Trump loses?
The Economics of Video Games, Part I: Exclusivity
Video games, much like action figures, are a fascinating example to look at for the application of economic concepts in the real world.