Greta Thurnberg’s Semi-slow Boat Upon the Stormy Seas

Photo by Xriss via Wikimedia Commons
The Greta Thunberg speaking tour has received quite a bit of press in the United States with news she would be taking a “carbon-neutral sailing yacht” to make appearances in the Americas.
Climate activist Greta Thunberg causes more greenhouse gas emissions from her sailing trip from the United Kingdom to the United States than if she had flown. About five employees would sail the yacht back to Europe, said Andreas Kling, spokesman for Thunberg skipper Boris Herrmann, on Thursday.
“Of course, they fly over there, that’s no different,” says Kling. Herrmann will also take the plane for the return journey. The sailing trip triggers at least six climate-damaging air travel across the Atlantic. If Thunberg had flown with her father, only two would have been necessary to come to New York.
According to the atmosfair emissions calculator, a flight from New York to Hamburg has a climate impact of around 1,800 kilograms of carbon dioxide. That is more than three quarters of what every person is entitled to each year if global warming is to be stopped at 2 degrees.
Because flights are so damaging to the climate, Thunberg had been looking for a better way to travel to the United Nations Climate Change Summit in New York in September. On Wednesday afternoon, the 16-year-old struck aboard the high-sea yacht “Malizia II” together with the two professional sailors Herrmann and Pierre Casiraghi and their father Svante and a filmmaker in the southern English town of Plymouth. The ship is powered by the wind, electricity for navigation and communication is generated by solar cells.
Criticism is not coming from just right-wing American press, or the worst of trolls online that in their normal fashion of being contemptable jackasses wish all manner of ill will upon a teenage girl. That block quote is translated from the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung, mostly just referred to as Taz, which is very progressive, was created as an alternative news venue for things like social justice and environmental concerns, and openly supports the German Green Party. They also have been critical of anyone, including those they support, who don’t hold the line on such issues. Taz apparently has found the young Swede’s PR push to be among the latter.
Which is exactly why, regardless of cause, adults should be slow if not completely adverse to putting children out in front of their political causes. When legitimate criticisms of stunts like this one come, blame and mockery will fall on a teenager who is mostly going and doing what she is told to do, instead of on the adults who are organizing it. Which is the point to the people wanting the cheap PR pop and emotional connection of a kid fronting their crusade. Put a teenage girl out front, and when the worst of the worst arise from the dumpster fire of humanity that online commentary can sometimes be with outrageous comments and criticisms, your cause can now claim victimhood as well as righteousness of intent.
Environmental concerns call for serious and measured discussion. While those don’t get the clicks and trending social media, that is the right way to push and advocate for your cause. Young republicans have shown a rising interest in environmental issues in polling. Amongst the most politically active of young conservatives, there is a growing movement to take environmental issues seriously as a matter of both obligation and policy. The population in general is overwhelmingly supportive of conservation efforts.
To steal another phrase used to push a cause recently with teenagers at the forefront of it, what works is when you pitch “common sense” policies and laws to what you want to accomplish. What people who are not affiliated don’t respond well to, and frankly tune out, is being blared at that they only have “TEN YEARS LEFT TO LIVE” and things like celebrities taking private jets to climate conferences to tell them they should live at a lesser standard of living, cause reasons. Stunts like funding an expensive and ultimately hypocritical piece of political performance art like turning a 16 year old Swedish girl into the face of your movement is counterproductive to what her handlers proclaim they want achieve. Hypocrisy and sanctimony are a turn off for even the most open-minded of folks. In any language.
Many children’s crusades end in disaster because they put emotion over logic and reason, otherwise they wouldn’t need to rely on children at the forefront.
In South Africa, a young girl named Nongqawuse had a vision of how to defeat the British.
She told the Xhosa (Nelson Mandela’s tribe) to burn all their crops and kill their cattle, after which the sun would turn red, the dead would arise, spirits would drive the British into the sea, and all their crops and cattle would be purified and reborn. The people followed her sage advice, killing hundreds of thousands of their cows and burning their crops. Their population predictably nosedived in what was called a “national suicide.” A little over a quarter of the people survived the resulting famine, and they converted to Christianity because their traditional beliefs were obviously a total disaster.
Greta Thunberg implores us to abandon cheap and abundant energy, which we use to grow food and stay warm. She’s an idiot. Some Xhosa didn’t follow Nongqawuse’s insanely stupid advice. They were called “the greedy ones”, and they stayed in the gene pool because they held on to their crops and cows while everyone else died of starvation. In the aftermath of the disaster, Nongqawuse blamed them for the failure to bring about her visions.Report
That cheap and abundant energy will get most of America rendered cropless in a generation and many urban centers at or under water. And thats the conservative model. But sure, she’s young and naive . . . .Report
This is another one we’ve talked about before, although not Thurnberg specifically that time.Report
Al Gore wants his spotlight back!Report
{Ed Note: Tom Payne is a banned commenter}Report
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The OPReport
Oooh! I always love these questions!
What difference would it make if he’s *THIS* versus *THAT*?
Like, if his answer is, “I’m an artist who makes designs celebrating diversity while, at the same time, respecting other cultures and my latest piece is a video showing all of the 45 presidents dancing dances that were popular within a couple of years of their respective inaugurations”, what would that mean for his positions?
If he were the CEO of Greenpeace, what would that mean for his positions?
If he were an office drone who goes to work, does Excel Worksheet stuff, prints it, staples it, and puts it in the out box, what would that mean for his positions?
If he were a stay-at-home dad who raises the kids while his wife brings home the bacon, what would that mean for his positions?Report
Is he a boat builder or a producer of adult entertainment?Report
Does China have people like this? People who drive a green car around the country telling everybody to start recycling?Report
China doesn’t need people like that; if the Chinese decision makers decide they want something done then their government makes it be done and those who don’t cooperate come to a bad end. I don’t think anyone but the most loony of loon environmental fanatics would endorse the Chinese method.Report
China decided to honor its caps under the Paris Accord – in some measure because the pollution surrounding the Beijing Games was an embarrassment and in part because air pollution was sickening and killing some order of millions of people a year. That decision is why they are the largest producer (and one of the largest consumers) of Photo-voltaic panel sin the world, and why US coal exports have tanked.Report
This article caused me to spend @ 3 minutes paying attention to someone who doesn’t deserve it nor do I give a damn about their opinion.. They are 16.Report
Ultimately, people who are young now will bear the brunt of climate change, whatever challenges it presents. I don’t mind them being at the forefront of making this issue more visible. BUT their efforts should not contribute to the very problem they’re making public.Report
Something you really ought to keep in mind if you are celebrating Greta Thunberg and contributing to make her a prominent voice for Environmental Change:
Environmental concerns have called for serious and measured discussion for most of my adult life. It hasn’t happened. I mean, it’s possible that the people who haven’t been quite ready to have an open mind to the issue of the greenhouse effect and climate change when it was simply mainstream scientific opinion for the last three decades, and who now indicate they’d almost be ready, if it wasn’t for the hypocrisy of Greta Thunberg’s parents or Al Gore’s doofiness or Bill Nye’s use of profanity might be arguing in good faith. But, let’s say I’m a skeptic.Report
Somebody rescue this comment!Report
Two things:
For Christ’s sake, it’s an attention getting device. It sure got it, didn’t it?
The linked article doesn’t say anywhere, but if it’s a scheduled flight, then no new carbon is being added to the atmosphere.Report
Well by that standard, all scheduled flights are carbon neutral. 🙂Report