On Stealing First Base

The Atlantic League of Professional Baseball has been in the news of late. This is a minor league, but an independent league. It is not part of Minor League Baseball, nor are its teams affiliated with major league clubs. This is not to say that it isn’t chummy with Major League Baseball. It has partnered with MLB, volunteering to be a testing ground for various ideas for rules revisions. This managed to get it in the news.
The most flashy experimental rule is to allow the batter to “steal” first base on any ball not caught by the catcher. This is to say, on a wild pitch or passed ball. The scare quotes are because the play does not seem to be scored as a stolen base, but as a fielder’s choice. It is being called a “steal” to convey that running is optional, but it isn’t really a steal. Rather, it is a creative reinterpretation of the dropped third strike rule.
The dropped third strike is a vestige of very early baseball. Originally, the dropped third strike rule and the regular third strike rule were one and the same. The pitcher stood next to the batter and tossed the ball upwards. The batter hit it on the way down. If he managed to swing and miss three times, the ball was in play anyway. This was a pace of play issue, keeping the game moving even when the batter was truly hopeless. While ball was in play, the pitcher was right there to pick it up, so this wasn’t a strategy any batter would adopt on purpose. Over the years the pitcher moved into the middle of the infield and a catcher was positioned behind the batter. The rule remained the same: If the batter swung and missed three times, the ball was in play. The difference was that the catcher was in position to catch the pitch. This put the batter out, just like any fielder catching a batted ball.
The rule was given its modern form in 1887, with an exception added that the rule did not apply if first base was occupied with fewer than two outs. This was because a clever catcher could intentionally drop the ball, creating a force play. Imagine the bases loaded with one out and with two strikes on the batter. He swings and misses for the third strike. The catcher lets the ball bounce off his hands into the dirt. He then picks it up at leisure, steps on home plate to force out the runner from third, and throws the ball to first for a double play. If there are no outs, the catcher can hurry things up a bit, possibly turning a triple play. Trawl through the SABR Triple Play database and you can find some of these, like Brooklyn at Pittsburgh on May 13, 1885. With the bases loaded the catcher dropped the third strike, stepped on home, threw to the third baseman, who threw to first to put out the batter, who had strolled to the bench after striking out.
There was no philosophical objection to this play, but there was a practical difficulty. There is a fine line between the catcher muffing the ball, and his catching the ball and then dropping it. This was the same problem that led to the infield fly rule, but if anything it was even worse here. The sole umpire was positioned behind the catcher, and had no way of knowing if, or how long, the catcher had control of the ball. The modern rule bypassed this problem by simply deactivating the rule when a force play was a consideration, removing the incentive for the catcher to intentionally drop the ball.
The purists complained. It didn’t seem right. This wasn’t baseball! Why not? Because they understood that the out in a strike out was actually a put out by the catcher. He was the one who caught the ball. This was no different from an outfielder catching a fly. The purists were right. The dropped third strike was no longer, under the revised rule, the logical result of a coherent understanding of what constituted a strike out. It became this weird rule where the batter occasionally, seemingly randomly, got a Get Out of Jail Free card.
I wrote about the dropped third strike rule in 2015, asking “What purpose does it serve? If it is a penalty for wild pitching or poor catching, why only on the third strike?” It was a rhetorical question, prefacing the history of the rule. Now, The Powers That Be have asked the same question, but for a different purpose. Here it leads to a response of “You know, you’re right! That doesn’t make a lick of sense!” This in turn leads to the Atlantic League experiment. This is the creative reinterpretation. Under this new interpretation it now is a broad penalty for poor pitching and catching.
Is it a good idea? That is a tough question. Of course part of it is that we haven’t seen how it plays out. That is the whole point of trying it in the Atlantic League rather than rolling it out in the bigs. But also, we haven’t been told what is the hoped for goal. How do we know if it is a success if we don’t know what it was trying to achieve? I’m not sure why this is, but “lousy communications” is probably sufficient explanation. Fortunately, we can infer a bit more.
This is actually only one of a whole package of experimental rules, some inaugurated at the beginning of the season, and some for the second half of the season. Two others jump out at me: one foul bunt is allowed with two strike without resulting in a strikeout; and the balk rule is tightened up a bit, mandating that the pitcher step off the rubber before throwing to a base.
These three changes serve a common end: small ball. “Stealing” first adds a way to get a runner on base. The foul bunt rule makes it (marginally) easier to sacrifice him to second. If that doesn’t work, the tightened balk rule makes it easier for him to steal a base. Let’s look at these three rules in this light.
The foul bunt rule is trivial. The prospect of striking out on a foul isn’t why teams aren’t bunting. This is so trivial that I wonder if the real point is to introduce the idea of adapting the foul strike rule. More on this below.
Tightening the balk rule is a much bigger deal. The whole point of the balk rule is, and always has been, to make base stealing possible. The issue is that in order to make it to the next base, the runner has to commit to the steal while the pitcher is still physically capable of halting (“balking”) his delivery to the plate, and can instead turn and throw to a base. This wasn’t true in very early baseball, where the bases were usually closer together than in the modern game. The balk rule was a response to the diamond expanding. It declares the pitcher to have committed to pitching to the plate before this is true simply as a matter of biomechanics, giving the runner a shot at stealing the base. The point where the pitcher is deemed committed is inherently arbitrary, and therefore inherently subject to putzing around with. Even better, this putzing is not noticeable to the casual observer, who has only the vaguest notion of what is and is not a balk. This is why the Atlantic League change has gone unnoticed. It also, I am guessing, is the most important change of the three.
At this point “stealing” first is simply an extra way to get that guy to first, where he can take advantage of the tightened balk rule to steal second. In this I fully expect it will succeed.
I am a fan of small ball, so from my perspective this is a win. My critique is not that this, and the other two changes, are bad in their own right, but that they don’t address the real issues. These are game length and/or pace of play (not quite the same thing, but related); and three-true-outcomes (home run, base on balls, and strike out) strategies. Rob Manfred, the Commissioner of Baseball, has talked a lot about the first and made some unconvincing gestures toward the problem. The three-true-outcomes strategies are the bigger problem.

Home runs per nine innings 1918-2018

Strike outs per nine innings 1918-2018
I wrote last fall about this here, so I won’t rehash it in detail. The idea is that batters have for the past century increasingly adopted hitting home runs as their goal. Over the same period, pitchers have similarly over the past century increasing emphasized strikeouts. These are the three-true-outcomes strategies. (The base on balls is the poor relation of the home run and the strike out. They have been rising, but less dramatically.) Both trends have continued into this season with merry abandon, reaching record-breaking levels. I wrote last fall “The problem is that optimized strategy doesn’t necessarily make for attractive play,” So it is: even with home runs. While the home run is exciting, the emphasis on home runs results in otherwise dull play.
In this light, the three Atlantic League rules are unlikely to solve the problem. The underlying theory is sound, but the application is questionable. Currently the incentives favor three-true-outcome play, so change the incentives. So far, so good. Increase the value of small ball, the idea seems to be, and teams will adopt small ball strategies. I just don’t think this will do it. Get a guy on first? Great! A two run homer is better than a solo shot. This is a far cry from deciding the best way to score is to work that runner around the circuit a base at a time. And you still are facing a guy throwing a hundred miles an hour for his one inning on the mound.
What we need here is to also make the three-true-outcomes strategy harder. This is where the experimental rules get interesting. Another, receiving minimal attention, is that the pitcher has been moved back two feet. This is the first time he has been moved back since 1893 (though he was moved down a few inches in 1969, when the mound was lowered), so this is kind of a big deal. It will, presumably, make strikeouts harder to get.
That is half the equation. What about home runs? My suggestion last fall was to deaden the ball: not so much that a towering home run doesn’t still tower, but so that a home run in the first row becomes a routine fly out on the warning track. I doubt that The Powers That Be are willing to go that route, if only for quasi-mystical reasons. But there is another route: the foul strike rule.
The foul strike rule has an unduly complicated history I won’t get into here. You can read about it in my book. should the spirit move you. This unduly complicated history resulted in an unduly complicated rule. A foul ball is counted as a strike, unless there are already two strikes, in which case it is a null event, unless it is a bunt, in which case it is the third strike after all. This is an obvious kludge.
Now we return to that Atlantic League rule that that bunt foul isn’t the third strike after all, but only once in an at bat. This is even more of a kludge. It also hints at the possible direction of the thinking of The Powers That Be. Consider as a hypothetical future revision, that the number of null-event foul balls is limited to, say, one. In this scenario, if the batter has two strikes on him and he fouls off the next pitch, he still has two strikes. But if he does it again, that is the third strike and he is out.
This would be huge in various ways directly related to the two problems of pace of play and three-true-outcomes strategies. For pace of play, it would abolish the marathon at bat. Yeah, it is impressive when your guy has a ten-pitch at bat, but spectacle it is not. Even less so is the routine fouling off of a couple pitches on a 0-2 count, before finally resolving the issue one way or another.
Limiting null-event fouls would result in many more balls in play. The batter, after all, isn’t fouling those pitches off for his own amusement. He is doing it because they are, or might be, in the strike zone, but they aren’t pitches he can put a power swing on. So foul it off and see what the next pitch brings. Remove that option and you have to try to put the ball in play: the exact opposite of three-true-outcomes.
On the other side, this hypothetical would revolutionize pitching. There are any number of guys who can put the ball over the plate with something the batter doesn’t want to put into play. This is, however, a far cry from striking the guy out. For that, you need a pitch that his bat will miss entirely. The guy with the putaway pitch has a secure job in the bigs, and likely a very lucrative one at that. The guy without the putaway pitch is bouncing between AAA and the big club. In our revised foul strike rule world, that second guy is now an effective big league pitcher. Batters no longer can foul balls off waiting for a mistake.
This would be a massive boost to the pitcher. How to balance this? We have already seen it: move the mound back.
Perhaps this is all my fevered fantasy, but I wonder if something like this isn’t the idea behind the Atlantic League rules: A package of changes to simultaneously discourage three-true-outcomes while encouraging small ball strategies. This is fantasy because the foul strike rule modification is the key element, and as yet exists only in my fevered imagination. But I wonder if this isn’t a gradual roll-out, as a point of marketing strategy.
So again, is this a good idea? Heck if I know. Predicting, as Yogi Berra sadly seems not to have said, is hard: especially the future. I don’t know if this is actually the direction The Powers That Be are going, much less how well it will work. But I will give them this: Wherever they go, and however well or poorly it works out, it at least is interesting. That means a lot to me, in my ever-increasingly advanced youth.
I’m very curious to see what the 2ft pitching distance does, and can be persuaded that one or two fouls constitutes the final strike.
I’d want to evaluate the mound distance first as the implications should be determined by physical aspects alone.
I like the concept of foul ball outs, and I’m glad to see it in action to assess the impact – my suspicion is that it changes pitching and batting pretty dramatically in approach, if not in actual number of pitches faced. On the one hand an absolute maximum of 8-pitches per batter is well above avg PPPA, so that would not on its own introduce much of an impact… but the “put-away foul” might have a larger impact than we think – at worst case driving up TTT by allowing lesser pitchers to exploit the gap. I take your point about hitters possibly changing their approach to put the ball in play; but I still have to wonder whether that would actually happen if the other option is still an HR within an 8-pitch at-bat. Not that I’m against it, just that I’d like to see lots of iterations before we jump on it. So, hooray for the Atlantic League.
I’m also curious to see what, if anything, requiring two players on one side of 2B does… More than a few shifts are more or less that anyway… with the SS maybe 3 steps closer to 1B than neutral… but the big advantage is shifting the 2B off the infield into short Right… so my more draconian approach would be the new rule PLUS requiring infielders to start on the dirt (with rules defining the specs for dirt).
Also like the 3-batter rule for Relief pitchers; could iterate on 2-batters, but I like 3 in concept more than 2… but could be persuaded that’s too big a change.
Not a fan of taking off for first on any pitch; but maybe I’ll change if I see it in action.
Still, best to see some games with these changes to assess impacts… my trailing concern, though, is that too many changes at once might make it hard to discern which might be the one with the best overall impact.
As a former catcher, this is a bit scary. It adds a lot more to deal with on their end. When I was playing 16 & 17 year-old leagues we had a lot of pitchers with great arms but not-so-great control. I was always worried about the third strike rule because my job was often similar to an NHL goalie in those days, just trying to keep wild pitches from slipping past me. I was also always worried about hitting a running batter in the back of the head if I was directly behind him. Yikes.
With all.of that said, this level of consideration for new rules and small ball is why I still say baseball is one of the most beautiful sports.Report
Good post; I’ve always wondered about the purpose of the dropped third strike. Still not convinced its a rule that should be maintained. One point is that frequently the batter doesn’t know the third strike has been dropped, and you see that WTF look when the catcher comes up behind him and applies the tag. I would rather the game emphasize strategy, than random weird stuff.
The foul bunt rule would increase bunts, but probably only those that would have been deciding to bunt under the existing rule. One difference might be that some of the extreme infield shifts occur once there are two strikes. I can see more surprise bunts in shifting circumstances.
I think one of the big issues right now discouraging base stealing is the replay. I watched a perfect steal with a pop-up slide a few days ago from my team’s pitcher. Called safe, and on replay was called out because a camera angle showed a brief moment of space when the first foot slid over the bag and the second foot reached the bag. Not visible from any of the replays the TV crew had, but inferable. You would have to have the camera angle set at a plain close to the ground to catch it. My point is that a club’s willingness to steal is going to be on the perceived success rate, and new technology intended for one thing makes stealing bases a risky proposition. (The announcers opined that you have to slide head first these days, so there’s that)Report
Eliminating the dropped third strike rule: This is an arguable position. I have an aesthetic fondness for weird vestiges from an earlier time. I will die a happy man if I get to see an NFL team win on a free kick after a fair catch. But I recognize that not everybody has my sense of aesthetics. I think the dropped third strike rule has survived mostly because it is rare enough that it has not pissed enough people off to result in a movement against it. That being said, the ‘stealing’ first rule would put new life into the idea, moving it from the realm of a rare weirdness to something that actually matters.Report
One difference might be that some of the extreme infield shifts occur once there are two strikes. I can see more surprise bunts in shifting circumstances.
That’s an excellent point.Report
On first pass, I like the idea of stealing first even tho it seems like a radical change. Think of it this way: when a new batter steps into the box he should be viewed as a *live runner* governed by hitting rules but also the same in-play rules as apply to (other) base runners. He can advance (to first) on a passed ball, but also on any other throwing error or mistake committed by the defense, eg., if the catcher over-throws second on a steal. It would also, I think, change how pitchers approach an at bat, with fewer balls thrown in the dirt… I can see the merits!
The additional foul while bunting is weird enough that I think you might be right that it’s a skid greaser for limiting fouls while swinging.
One other change they’re experimenting with is “robotic” strike calling conveyed by wireless to the human home plate umpire who can, at his discretion, call the pitch as he sees fit. Seems like a good compromise between the purists in both camps.Report
Nobody will ever steal first like A.J. Pierzynski stole first.
I attended 3 ballgames this past weekend (Akron, Lake County, and Fort Wayne). The first 2 were finished in 2.5 hours, and the third was at the 3.5 hour mark after 8, and ultimately finished in just under 4 hours. There were 15 runs scored on 21 hits between the 2 teams in the Fort Wayne game (vs a total of 16 runs total in the first two), but what really distinguished it was how slowly the pitchers worked. In the first 2 the pitchers worked with Buerhle-like efficiency.
There are 3 measures that could be taken to shorten the game to a reasonable length. Putting pitchers on a clock (or really just enforcing the existing rule), keeping the batter in the box, and keeping the manager in the dugout (for pitching changes). The first 2 are easy to implement, while the 3rd, lamentably, has no chance. Gone are the days where Fergie Jenkins could start 39 games and finish 30 of them, and win the Cy Young. All while grabbing the occasional smoke in the dugout.
I’m all for adopting the 3rd strike on a 2nd foul ball rule. I have no love for long, unproductive at bats.Report
Did you see that they’re also going to continue experimenting with the robo-ump? I guess they used it in their All-Star game without the world ending. A real ump stood back there with an ear piece and had the calls radioed in to him. I like it… especially because there are no actual robots involved.Report
No jobs in jeopardy so far.Report
I didn’t write about that because it really is a different topic, and interesting in its own right. Conceptually, it is not a substantive change at all: it merely better enforces the existing rule. In practice it will change things, both because The Powers That Be will have to choose between enforcing the rulebook strike zone, changing the rulebook to better reflect the strike zone as it is enforced by human umpires, or enforce the human umpire strike zone while discreetly ignoring the rulebook. I am fascinated to see how they go. Then once the system settles in, how will this affect pitching and batting? I suspect that it will give a batter with a good eye an advantage. He will only have to see where the ball is going, rather than also having to factor in the vagaries of the particular umpire behind the plate that day.Report
Good points… I’d style myself cautiously optimistic about laser assisted strike zones. My caution, however, is based on childhood wiffle ball experience… so heed well what I’ve learned. The anecdote is this:
As kids we invented an automated Ump; it was a mesh gate with a metal rim. Perfectly placed for a wiffle ball field, the width was exactly right even if the high/low strikes were a tad high and a tad low. The key was the Metal Pipe rim… any ball that landed in the meshy middle was obviously a strike… but the marginal calls – the ones where everyone would call the other a lying liar and quit – those were backed by the stern robotics of a distinct “Ping!” If you heard the Ping it was a strike. No ifs ands or buts… them’s the rules. It was awesome.
But, here’s what I learned… the advantage went to the pitcher pretty quickly. If all I had to do was get “the ping” then the objective was to throw a mostly unhittable ball that nicked the outer most edge of the Ping. Once you found that, then muscle memory (we were kids, we still had muscles and they still learned fast) would have you repeat unhittable pitch after unhittable pitch. Until someone told you to stop being an asshole and play the game right or everyone would quit.
Obviously kid’s wiffle balls do odd things in flight… but then we weren’t professionals who can hit our spots nor will professionals be moved by calls not to be assholes and to play the game right. So, impass there.
Moral of my story? Really just echoing your comment about the Laser Zone likely being totally different from the Rule Book zone… if anything, I’d suggest that the zone will be even smaller and more different than what we would expect. Once the Robot no longer cares about “hittable” pitches and only the “Ping” matters, I anticipate tight zones indeed.Report
The thing is, a good pitcher is already throwing unhittable pitches at the edge of the zone. That is pretty much the definition of good pitching, unless you can throw so hard that the batter simply can’t get the bat around fast enough.
As for the size of the zone, the upper edge of the de facto and de jure zones are very different. Pull up the rules on the MLB site. They include a pretty drawing of a batter showing the zone. Hold that up next to your TV during a game where they project a box on the screen. Compare and contrast.
Also worth noting, reports of the Atlantic League All-Star game talk about one pitch that every, including the umpire, seems to agree would have been called a ball but which the system said nicked the bottom edge of the strike zone. This is talked about as a failure of the robo-ump. Are they saying its calibration was off? Because if that’s not what they are saying, they are saying that umpires have been calling that pitch wrong all along.Report
Right… I’m also referencing that thing you called “having to factor in the vagaries of the particular umpire behind the plate that day” which is sort of the subjective aspect of “hittable”
I’m not really disagreeing… I think – from my vast experience in wiffle ball – that it will indeed be all about calibration becuase the rule book strike zone with laser enforcement will show 100% that different umps have been calling different balls/strikes completely wrong. Not all wrong in the same way, but wrong in all their own idiosyncratic ways.
(it also goes both ways in the famous Atlanta outside strike… which allegedly crept ever wider as the game progressed – not sure if that is something we could verify as I don’t think we have the data from the 90s like we do from the 00s esp post 2008).Report
I thought the upper and lower bounds of the official strike zone were too inexact to be easily scanned: “that area over home plate the upper limit of which is a horizontal line at the midpoint between the top of the shoulders and the top of the uniform pants, and the lower level is a line at the hollow beneath the kneecap”
The reference points are gauged to midpoints on clothing or body parts beneath clothing, which are by nature vague. What Statcast does to determine the top and the bottom of the strike zone is to utilize a database of what umpires called balls and strikes in the past:
“Isn’t that ironic? Until MLB comes up with a machine-comprehensible definition of the top and bottom of the strike zone, machines will need the assistance of humans to define the strike zone for the machines.”
Obviously kid’s wiffle balls do odd things in flight…
It’s been a lot of years, but as I recall if you knew what you were doing you could get about three feet of sideways break with a wiffle ball.Report
Yep… as a lefty throwing to a righty that was my unhittable pitch. Could also get the ball to rise if you threw it hard enough and side-arm… that was the other exploit – hit the *bottom* bar with rising fastball – looked like a worm burner all the way to the ping.
Of course we adapted… jumping across the plate to hit the curve and all the other things kids do to keep games fair. 🙂Report
Some time ago, I took a group of British co-workers to their first baseball game. They mostly saw it as a variant of cricket, and on that basis wondered why the batter can’t advance on a ball that gets past the catcher.Report
Cricket? Not rounders? It really is a variant of rounders, while only a distant cousin to cricket.Report