Weekend Plans Post: There is, apparently, a sporting event coming up this weekend.
Ric Flair recently tweeted that his shop has a t-shirt that announces that “Ric Flair still has 11 more championships than Tom Brady“.
And, yes, it comes in 3X.
Now, before we get to the plans, I gotta tell you that due to a handful of scheduling conflicts and cabling emergencies this week, I somehow managed to get in my 40 in by the end of the day on Thursday. But the hardware is set up, the cables look good, management is vaguely pleased, and they have communicated that they don’t care if I don’t come in tomorrow.
So I ain’t.
And I had next week scheduled off ever since they asked me to reschedule my Christmas vacation.
So, tonight? Vacation begins.
The plans aren’t particularly big.
Saturday night is the regular gaming night. We’re going to play board games.
Sunday night is The Big Game and Tom Brady is the dirtiest player in the game and he’s going to be going up against a team that can’t even think about winning unless the refs are incompetent. Lucky for The Rams, they’re playing in the NFL.
So Sunday night, I’m going over to a friend’s and we’re going to watch the game and I plan on explaining that “if you’re expecting to go up against Brady, you need to rush 4, drop 7” and make jokes about partially deflated balls.
And then a week where, if everything goes right, I won’t have to put on pants. Finally.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Featured image is Ric Flair’s 11 Championships shirt, from his shop.)
I dunno. I might just come in and try to immerse myself in work, because I’ve received bad news from a couple people I care about recently, and if I stay at home I will likely sit and dwell on it and feel worse (and not even do hobbies always help with that). And a couple people I care about have lost loved ones in the past few weeks. So I’m pretty much mad at mortality, I guess.
Definitely not going out shopping; yesterday was payday for everyone and the stores will be slammed. I will run out quickly Saturday morning to get the necessary fresh foodstuffs. (My life would be so much easier if I could only grocery shop once a month or less…)
Or maybe I rage clean the house. Usually I clean best when I’m angry (and right now, i am just angry, at fishing cancer and other health issues people have and stuff like that). Lord knows the house needs it; I’ve been pretty much a slug since I got back from break.Report
That sucks. You’ve had too many friends get too much bad news over the last couple of years.Report
I really have. Part of the problem is a lot of my friends are older than I am. And I’m approaching 50. Another friend about my age was commiserating with me that this was a part of getting older she was not expecting: the accelerating number of losses.Report
That’s what I’ve noticed about getting older (I’m a few years from 50). And what’s really sad is that losing all the people we lose is the best available option: better than them losing us.
While I wouldn’t behave in that manner, it’s helped me to understand the various ridiculous things people during the “mid-life crisis” years.Report
True, though the part of my psyche that is still an unreasonable child (at least I recognize I have one) stamps her foot and goes “NO. THE BEST OPTION IS WE ALL LIVE FOREVER HERE AND ENJOY GOOD HEALTH WHILE WE DO.”
God help me but I’m starting to do things like investigate if there’s a nearby chapter of the Red Hat Society* so I can maybe find some kind of club where I might make friends but also not be expected to serve as President or Secretary or some other tiresome job. Most of the other groups I’m a part of, I have some kind of working position…
(*When I was younger, I SWORE I’d never do stuff like that, because it looked like “enforced hilarity and also being OBVIOUS in public” both things I dislike)Report
Yes, I have that unreasonable child in my psyche screaming, “no fair, no fair.”
I think the hobby games I’ve been playing the last few years are my red hat equivalent.Report
Today is my son’s 24th. But he is on the other side of the country, so I will not be hanging out with him. But I will call and wish the happy.
I know that there is a (real)football game this Sunday, but since I cut the cord TV wise I really haven’t been paying attention. I guess there is some tsuris over a touchdown in a playoff game? Dunno. I do know I am getting my old truck ready to sell. Other than that, no plans.Report
Happy Birthday to your son.Report
Thank you. I am now officially twice his age.Report
My oldest hits 21 in April, her sister 16 a week later, and the “babies” are both double digits now…what happened?Report
You turn around and the time is… Gone. Next stop retirement.Report
Yeah, tell me about it.Report
Ch.ch.changes, the face the change. Time may change me but I can’t change time.Report
I guess there is some tsuris over a touchdown in a playoff game?
Worse than that. A playoff game had one team commit a foul against the other team but the refs didn’t call it. Everybody on the talking head shows has even been using the word “blatant” to describe the foul committed. Had it been called, the outcome of the game could well have been different.
But it wasn’t called and the game’s outcome was what it was.
It’s stuff like that that is giving professional wrestling referees a good name.Report
There’s an X-wing tournament tomorrow at the local game store; I haven’t decided if I’m playing yet. I have some work to do setting up my schedule next for next week. I should do a bit of yard work since I think we’re still supposed to be relatively warm, but I’m thinking I’ll save that for later, as I collect my first batch of this semester’s papers on Monday.
I might pay attention to the game, but probably I won’t.Report
I’m going to a Taiko drum performance tomorrow and lunch with friends on Sunday for the start of Chinese New Year (which doesn’t really start until Tuesday/Wednesday but whatever).
And open houses, open houses, open houses.Report
15-40 cm of snow by Saturday evening is apparently what’s going on. So whatever else happens there’ll be a lot of shovelling.
Mr. T’s uncle got out of hospital recently so some subset of the family will likely head out to his place to lend a hand with stuff he can’t do right now. Maybe just Mr. T, maybe all of us.Report
Heavy snow on more of the route to uncle’s farm than originally forecast plus -30ish C temperature means we’re all staying in town. Daughter’s schoolmate’s birthday party, which is to be a sort of kid rave, commences in a few hours.Report