Monthly Archive: June 2017
The Rise and Fall of Progressive Rock
David Weigel’s new book on the rise and fall of prog rock is an excellent journey into one of the weirdest eras of popular music.
Science and Technology June 27th
Tech Tuesday starts in two weeks, not two days ago, as expected, because Will & I have lives.
Shouldn’t Need Saying
And another thing: it’s really not such a good thing from a vehicular maintenance perspective.
Trump’s Budget Proposal: Tort Reform is What Really Puts Americans at Risk
Taking a look at the inclusion of tort reform in Trump’s budget proposal and the impact it could have on Americans’ health.
After Trump
Comity, good faith, and bi-partisanship are at an end. How should the Democratic Party conduct itself after Trump?
Dr. John Sarno, RIP
A pioneer in mind-body medicine has just passed away. What he could purportedly do is both fascinating and amazing.
Morning Ed: World {2017.06.26.M}
Pictures of Antarctica and stories from the other continents on which people live.
How the difference between Up and Inside Out helps me explain my take on Guardians of the Galaxy 2. (Just assume spoilers for every movie named here.)