Monthly Archive: August 2014

On Human Nature

In my inequality post, Snarky McSnarkSnark writes, The elevation of the “economic man” over the “social man” in our political and cultural thinking has led us increasingly away for our own core nature. I...


If I may veer off into some political territory, let me just say that the trailer for the movie “Let’s Be Cops” struck me as kinda tasteless way back in June when I first saw it.

Series! (1960s)

As with music, politics, and American society in general, in baseball the 60s don’t really begin until halfway through through the decade. 1960 What’s the most dramatic play in baseball? A walk-off home run....


For people who wonder why conservatives sometimes get accused of racism, just go read the comments in this thread by Conservative Daily, a Facebook page with 5,700,000+ likes. Amazing lack of pushback on a...