Someone’s Lucky Day
So someone just knocked on our door collecting signatures to have a public vote on an anti-discrimination ordinance our town recently passed, which says the city won’t discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation...
So someone just knocked on our door collecting signatures to have a public vote on an anti-discrimination ordinance our town recently passed, which says the city won’t discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation...
You probably remember the OK Go video that fearless leader Tod posted a while back, the one for their song “This Too Shall Pass,” which featured an outrageous Rube Goldberg machine: Now they have...
A judge recently found that California’s death penalty, as it is administered, is cruel and unusual punishment, serving no identifiable purpose. Digging in to the opinion, Burt Likko finds a perverse conflict: an effort to comply with one part of the Constitution leads to a violation of another.
Bears, baseball, buildings, beauties and Barrett Brown. We’ll talk about all that and more in this week’s Linky Friday!
So saw this interesting piece in my article feed today. I tend to be unReasonable when it comes to reading their stuff, so can someone more familiar tell me why this isn’t a problem?...
Coke’s new summer ad campaign seems to be about sharing coke. I see cans that have Share a Coke with Katey, Emily, Bill, and a million other names on the side. Am I hoping...
Dennis Sanders wonders why Republicans have become so rigid when it comes to immigration.
Mercury News had an article in which they interviewed people about the Affordable Care Act and it contains this absolute gem of a quotation: “Of course, I want people to have health care,” Vinson...
In true Canadian style, Jonathan McLeod goes from talking about hockey to talking about sexual assault to talking about feminism.
Because everything is about hockey and hockey is about everything, apparently.
Rising inequality in the United States is a real problem, but that doesn’t mean we should find ways to disregard the reduction of global inequality nor that we should treat all increases in inequality in other countries as first order problems.
What did Boethius (and Plato) have against poetry?
“We conclude that the growth in modern retail, characterized by modern chains of midern establishments with more levels of hierarchy, is raising wage rates relative to traditional mom-and-pop retail stores.”
Jonathan McLeod looks at two recent court cases, noting the existence of rape culture and male privilege without ever using the terms.
I have a friend from college who I get into frequent debates with on Israel and Palestine. I can’t remember the exact words he used to describe himself but I believe he calls himself...
A couple in Glendora, CA face a $500 fine for saving water by not watering their lawn. Simultaneously, the state wants to fine people who water their lawns. That is, folks can receive a...
The fine folks at Fox News apparently believe that President Obama hasn’t been sufficiently Reagan-esque in his reaction to the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.