The Cheap-Ass Gourmet Roast Chicken Bonus Dish: Bread Drippings

Tod Kelly

Tod is a writer from the Pacific Northwest. He is also serves as Executive Producer and host of both the 7 Deadly Sins Show at Portland's historic Mission Theatre and 7DS: Pants On Fire! at the White Eagle Hotel & Saloon. He is  a regular inactive for Marie Claire International and the Daily Beast, and is currently writing a book on the sudden rise of exorcisms in the United States. Follow him on Twitter.

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11 Responses

  1. Mike Dwyer says:

    Oh wow this sounds delicious. I am doing roast chickens on a camping trip in two weeks. Sounds like a good opportunity to try this out.Report

  2. ScarletNumbers says:

    Right before you put your chicken in your roasting pan/Dutch oven

    Oh, wow. I didn’t know a Dutch oven was an actual cooking implement.Report

  3. Damon says:


    Bookmarking this for future reference.Report

  4. Add me to the list of people who plan to try this soon.Report

  5. Burt Likko says:

    I use reserved bacon fat to gloss my birds before roasting so HOLY CRAP is this going to be good.Report

    • Burt Likko in reply to Burt Likko says:

      I did this tonight. The result was the cookbook-cover roast chicken:
      Roast Sage Chicken
      I had no French bread so I used a stale loaf of Italian bread instead. I realize French bread is denser, but you make do with what you have. I also often roast my chickens upside down, precisely so the whiter, denser, drier breast meat comes out with something resembling the moisture and flavor of the darker back and legs.

      So a few schmears of rendered bacon fat rubbed under the chicken’s skin prior to roasting, mixed in to the drippings from within the chicken itself, produced bread drippings which were simply too rich to eat. Densely, densely flavorful (and really not all that great to look at) but the next time, I’m just going to let the chicken drip on his own, without any help from rendered fat, and have confidence that it’ll be sufficiently tasty.

      So I guess that’s my tip — you needn’t shorten the chicken prior to roasting. Them drippings are going to be great all on their own. Have confidence, like I lacked tonight, that you’ll get a good roast without shortening.Report

  6. Kim says:

    Wonder how good it is with stale bread?
    (nothing to spread, obviously, but that sounds like it merely saves a step)Report

  7. Barry says:


  8. Miss Mary says:

    I want chicken now. Thanks.Report