DJ Kazzy


One man. Two boys. Twelve kids.

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13 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    I cheated on yours too and listened to them before, so when I saw the post I had to skip ahead to “How Do You Want It.” Man, when Tupac was at the top of his game, he was a friggin’ incredible rapper. His rapping is seamless and there aren’t enough o’s in smooth to describe it. The only one who I can think of who also has his combination of in-your-face and effortless flow is Biggie, so I’m going to skip to him now, then go back to the beginning to listen through.

    Oh, and a few years ago, when I first heard Wale, I had an argument that lasted like a week over how to pronounce his name. I was convinced it must be “whale,” but was told it was “wall-ae.” Then I heard a song in which he just came out and said “it’s pronounced wall-ae.” I’ve been bitter about it ever since.Report

    • Kazzy in reply to Chris says:

      Thankfully, Wale has quickly reached a point of referencing himself in 3rd person in damn near every song.

      I should also note that when I put the playlist together, I didn’t think much of the order. Feel free to skip around.

      For the reasons noted, 2Pac and Biggie will be two of my four Mount Rapmore faces.Report

  2. Glyph says:

    you’d have thunk another Kennedy died

    I’m sure you’ve seen the Chris Rock bit (for anyone who has somehow been living on Mars, and does not know who Chris Rock is, the following is NSFW):

    • Mike Schilling in reply to Glyph says:

      It’s funny, but the punch line is completely telegraphed. You know where he’s going after the third sentence, and if you think to yourself “How does Chris Rock phrase things?”, you’d get to those five words exactly.Report

      • Glyph in reply to Mike Schilling says:

        I’m not disagreeing that this joke (and much of this particular special of his) relies more on delivery than it does the writing, but I think you’re selling it a little short.

        First of all, look at the words we use to describe the joke’s “impact” – The punch line is completely telegraphed. These are words we also use when we are talking about a boxing match.

        When this particular special came on, I was really struck by how percussively Rock was using his words – the way he weaved back and forth across the stage, using his jokes as jabs, it bore a physical resemblance to a fighter’s moves.

        Or, maybe more appropriate to this post, to rap music; take away the words of the entire riff/joke, and just let it play out in your mind as rhythm; there’s a nearly perfect rhythmic crescendo/decrescendo to the actual syllables, as Rock deploys them here.

        He also has in his voice a nasal, aggressive/abrasive raspy burr that is no doubt partially natural and partially cultivated for performance – strangely, the performer he most recalls there is one of his idols, George Carlin, another comedian who I’d argue let delivery do a lot of the heavy lifting for him.

        (I’m going to Rot13 the remainder here, because I intend to tread a little into race and politics, which normally we don’t do at MD.)

        Ohg va gur wbxr vgfrys, Ebpx vf qbvat gjb zber guvatf: Bar, ur’f pnyyvat onpx gb na rneyvre evss bs uvf bja (sebz Oevat Gur Cnva) – uvf “oynpx crbcyr if. avttnm” ebhgvar, znxvat gur cbvag gung vafgrnq bs jbexvat sbe fbpvny punatr yvxr ZYX naq Znypbz K rgp., gurfr enccref tbg pnhtug hc va n fghcvq crefbany naq/be ohfvarff srhq gung raqrq hc pbfgvat gurz gurve yvirf. Gurl pbhyq unir unq vg nyy, naq gurl zrffrq vg hc.

        Ur’f nyfb, gb zl zvaq, znxvat n cbvag fvzvyne gb bar gung nabgure bs uvf vqbyf, Ovyy Pbfol, pnhtug n snve nzbhag bs synpx sbe znxvat – gur vqrn gung fbzr crbcyr va gur oynpx pbzzhavgl arrq gb rinyhngr gurve cevbevgvrf – gung ryringvat enccref (ubjrire gnyragrq) jub tbg pnhtug hc va n crefbany srhq naq xvyyrq, gb gur fgnghf bs zneglef be urebrf be trahvar pbzzhavgl yrnqref, vf cbgragvnyyl ceboyrzngvp.

        Fgenatryl, hayvxr Pbf, Ebpx unf tbggra arneyl ab synpx (gung V urneq bs) sbe znxvat jung ner rffragvnyyl pbafreingvir-glcr cbvagf va guvf neran.Report

    • Kazzy in reply to Glyph says:

      He definitely nails the absurdity of it all. But they were high school kids, a lot of whom had roots in Brooklyn and NYC in general.

      Funny story about reactions to celebrity deaths by high school students. I had gotten back from an indoor track meet, which usually stretched well past 8PM. I had to run back to my locker to get something and while walking through the school, a girl I had never seen or met came up to me crying, hugged me, muttering, “He’s dead, he’s dead, I can’t believe he’s dead!” I had be basically sequestered at the meet all day and this was before smartphones so I had no frickin’ clue what she was talking about. Was another rapper shot? Her brother? Her dad? Who’s dead?!?!?! After a moment of me hugging this stranger, I finally asked, “Who’s dead?”

      [blubber, blubber] “Chris… Chris… CHRIS FARLEY!” [hysterical crying]


  3. Glyph says:

    Kaz, these aren’t hip-hop (at all) but I also like stuff that sounds like a marching band or drum corps (I was in the drumline in HS).

    (really kicks in around 5:10):

    Playing in a drumline is LOUD and it is FUN. At the final ceremonies of one competition, they made the mistake of trying to combine all the marching bands into one (drums over here, horns over there, etc.), to play a song – problem is, one drumline is loud, and if they decide to go off on their own, you may have trouble regaining control.

    Put like 10 of them together, and forget it. Somebody started up a funky rhythm and everyone else just picked it up and soon it sounded like rhino Armageddon. They kept trying to get us to quit with entreaties over the stadium PA, but we couldn’t hear them and wouldn’t have stopped even if we could. They finally had to just can the whole thing.Report

    • Kazzy in reply to Glyph says:

      When I arrived at college and our marching band was shitty… not just shitty by college standards, but actually worse than my high school band… I was very upset. My high school’s halftime show was much more in the spirit of southern schools/HBCU’s, to the point that flag twirlers was where it was add and weird girls did cheerleading. When I tried to explain this to my predominantly white peer group, they were like, “What? Marching band can be cool and fun and good?” Ugh.

      I had to resort to trying to find the Bayou Classic’s “Battle of the Bands” on TV.Report

  4. Glyph says:

    What’s kinda weird about that Schooly D song is that the beat ended up getting sampled by all kinds of goth and shoegazy bands in the 90’s.

    Two examples:

    (On the bridge:)

  5. Chris says:

    Ugh, now I’m listening to Lil Wayne. Look what you’ve done!Report