

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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13 Responses

  1. James K says:

    I spent some of the weekend watching sessions from the FTBCon online conference, which I won’t discuss further because No Religion and No Politics.

    Also I’m watching Season 3 of The Almighty Johnsons, and Loki just made an appearance!Report

  2. Glyph says:

    Still reading Maps & Legends by Michael Chabon, and I just hit this sentence:

    …I suffer intensely from bouts, at times almost disabling, of a limitless, all-encompassing nostalgia, extending well back into the years before I was born.

    Are these bouts unusual to other people? I was once attempting to describe this state of mind to a friend, and I used almost these exact same words (well, I said crippling nostalgia).

    This state of mind was foreign to him. He had no idea what I meant, but didn’t think it sounded too pleasant or useful.

    Finally watched Beasts of the Southern Wild last night (hey, I don’t see movies often anymore). Per Kazzy’s recent question about magical realism, it might qualify; like Pan’s Labyrinth, it walked a similar line between gritty realism and dreamlike symbolism. Well worth seeing.

    Only God Forgives is on VOD, I might watch that tonight despite the bad reviews, because I like Refn.Report

    • Maribou in reply to Glyph says:

      I feel that way sometimes, and I felt a similar recognition when I read that bit in Maps and Legends. I know other people who seem to feel that way, that strongly, from time to time as well – but not very many of them.Report

    • Chris in reply to Glyph says:

      Didn’t Woodie Allen just make a movie about this just recently?

      I’ve felt this sort of nostalgia pretty often through most of my life, but I think the feeling becomes more frequent and more intense as my life, and the world around me, become more complex and more saturated with technology.Report

  3. Anne says:

    As usual reading more than one book. The doomed Brigade: Dragonlance Kang’s Regiment Vol. 1 and The Years Best Science Fiction: Twenty Fifth Annual Collection

    Also this weekend went to a three day pool party and just finished mowing the entire yardReport

  4. Kazzy says:

    Almost done with “A Wrinkle in Time”.

    A question: I recognize there are some real scifi elements to it. However, does it also qualify as “magical realism”?

    Note: As I haven’t yet finished the book (I am JUST to the part where the children discover their father in the column), please do not offer any spoilers. For instance, it seems to be that the “witch” characters might be elements of “magical realism”, but there might be something yet revealed about them that offers a more scientific or scifi-y explanation of their nature; if such is the case, give me like a day or two to finish.Report

    • Mike Schilling in reply to Kazzy says:

      No, it’s pretty much straight fantasy with some science-fictional trappings added. In magical realism, the magical stuff is accepted by the story’s characters as a natural part of the world, and they don’t distinguish between the parts of their world that match ours and the parts that don’t. (The reader does, of course.) In AWiT, Meg and the other kids had no idea about any of the weird stuff until they’re thrown into the middle of it, and they’re well aware of how weird it is.Report

      • Mike Schilling in reply to Mike Schilling says:

        To say it another way, picture a story set in Narnia with no visitors from Earth, no Aslan, and no White Witch. It’s just a regular story about, say, two men both courting the same girl, and there’s talking animals, but nobody mentions that animals can talk any more than they mention that wheels are round. That’s magical realism.

        Throw in the Pevenseys to say “Those animals are talking! WTF?” That’s fantasy.Report

  5. Reformed Republican says:

    For watching, I am about halfway through Season 1 of Supernatural. This show really feels like the good parts of the X-Files, without any government conspiracy, and less skepticism. Enjoyable so far. I also finished Book 1 of Avatar; The Last Airbender, which is the only season that I had seen entirely. I have only seen scattered episodes of the rest of the series, so I look forward to getting it all in order.

    For a reading/watching hybrid, I also finished up the audio/visual edition of Cerebus High Society. I was skeptical of the quality of a graphic novel done in this format, but it worked very well. Dave Sim did an excellent job with voicing the characters, making them very distinct. I believe the first issue is available for free, if anyone is interested in checking it out. Now I have to decide if I want to move on to reread Church & State, or if I would prefer to wait, since I also want to reread Lucifer after we finish The Kindly Ones for Somniloquy.

    For some heavier reading, I am making my way through War and Peace. I was expecting this to be a book I would have to force myself to read, but it has actually been one I have trouble putting down. I imagine this will go a bit faster than I expected it to.Report

  6. Maribou says:

    I am reading an illustrated history of New Zealand and a memoir about being a kid in Montana. And some Laurell K. Hamilton. I’m also rereading the Night Circus.

    Still not watching much, other than the odd episode or two of Quantum Leap. Too much reading to do!Report